“You mean . . .” Cassie said slowly, “that sappy someone?” She pointed her thumb to the window.
Slowly, shakily I got to my feet to look out the huge front window, and froze the instant I caught sight of someone standing across the street.
Oh. My. God. My jaw dropped and my heart did a somersault. Oh. My. God.
♫ No, there’s nothing that I wouldn’t do to make you feel my love ♫
As if by instinct, I raced through the crowded coffee shop, swung through the front door, then stood on the front steps, shielding my head from the pouring rain with my hands. When I figured out that it was futile thing to do, I dropped my arms to my sides and smiled at the girl who was standing on the other side of the street.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at the blonde’s sudden appearance. She stood cross-legged, holding a cute red umbrella, looking so adorable as she grinned at me ear to ear. Her black leather bomber jacket, red scarf, dark skinny jeans, and black boots made her look even more dangerously stunning. I took note of her blond hair—now even longer and had big gorgeous waves, the unknowingly vulnerable bright blue eyes, the slender elegance of her nose, her luscious lips. I studied her lips for a long time, and when her teeth came out to nip at the bottom lip, I cursed it for doing so.
“What are you doing in these parts, Miss Naomi Campbell?” I called.
I felt all eyes around the street turning toward us. Perhaps they all thought it was the supermodel Naomi Campbell strutting down the gloomy Bristol street. Whispers and murmurs started around us.
“Looking for a romamtic redhead,” she yelled back. “A little over five feet, sweet-smelling hair, chocolate brown eyes, wearing a cute sweater under a dirty white apron. About twenty years old, very attractive, useless limbs, answers to ‘Ranga.’ There’s a reward.”
I smiled then cupped my hands around my mouth for volume. “What is it?”
“Oh, a plate of pancakes for a few consecutive mornings. A box of mint chocolates and a bunch of corny lines. Me.”
For a short while we stood apart on the opposite sides of the street, merely watching each other with fond gazes and sickly-sweet private smiles.
God, I love her so much, I thought as we grinned ear to ear at each other. I just love this girl so fucking much.
“Emily, what the fuck are you doing just standing there?” Cassie called, coming up behind me. She untied the strings at the back of my half apron, tugged it off me, and nudged my butt with her knee toward Naomi’s direction. “Go get your Christmas present, you silly minx.”
The open door of the café made it possible for me to hear Adele’s closing lines . . .
♫ Go to the ends of the earth for you to make you feel my love ♫
A smile curved my lips, because I realised it was true and it was happening. Naomi kept her promise.
♫ To make you feel my love ♫
I glanced briefly behind me at my best friend and smiled. She gave me a dramatic wink then rushed back inside the café to take orders from the coffee crowds.
After taking a deep breath I moved toward Naomi, unmindful of the cold pouring rain, of the puddles below me, of anything else around me. One small step by one small step, I started to cross the street and made my way toward her.
I was only a few feet away from the best Christmas present I’ve ever been given when a horn blared. Eyes widening, Naomi suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me toward her. “Em!” she cried. A motorcycle squealed past, barely missing me by less than a foot. I felt the rush of air, the splash of water as it sped by.
Naomi glared at me, her chest heaving in nerves. “Jesus Christ, Emily!” she managed to squeak, her grip on the umbrella weakening. “What the fuck were you thinking?”
I smiled sheepishly, glanced down behind me at my jeans, turned back to her and shrugged. “Did some mud splash on my jeans, but that’s about it.”
The blonde looked down at me, blinking. And her relief caused a sudden weakness in her knees.
She almost fell, but I caught her. I pulled her against me, and she instinctively snuggled into the warmth of my body.
“Thanks,” I said, holding her close. “Always my knight in shining armour that you are.”
Naomi buried her face in my shoulder as she hugged me tighter. “Oh, Jesus, don’t do that again, okay?” she said with real fright. “You scared me.” She pulled back, held me at arm’s length and gave me a level stare. “Don’t fucking do that again, Emily.”
“It’s your fault, you know. I just forget about everything else whenever I look at you,” I said with all the mock sternness I could manage. “I think it’s your eyes. Or your legs. Or maybe both.”
It worked; she smiled. It did funny things to my insides. We stood looking at each other, now chuckling. I felt overwhelmingly, uncharacteristically happy. It was so easy. It was so easy just being with her.
She brushed a vagrant lock of red hair off my face with her free hand and I could only look up at her in anticipation of a crash.
“Oh, fuck it.” Naomi dropped the umbrella behind her to the ground then took my wet face between her hands. The rain streamed down our faces. I moved forward and curved beneath the familiar warmth of her embrace, gazing up at her.
“What took you so long?” I asked, and the huskiness of my voice made her shudder.
“Santa Claus and I got held up in traffic,” she answered sweetly. “Am I too late?”
“Well, like I said,” I began, “there’s no expiration date on my feelings.”
“Good.” Naomi smiled so beautifully. “Can I kiss you now?”
I smiled back and slipped my arms around the small of her back. “You know you don’t have to ask.”
Without further ado Naomi lifted my chin with her index finger and, gently, warmly, kissed first my lower and then my upper lip. Then she dipped her head for a more forceful, more passionate kiss. Her mouth tenderly rubbed mine, stroking the contours of my lips until I trembled.
The shackles of five months of depression dropped from my limbs. My hands went up to the back of her neck to touch the blond locks that fell gorgeously on her back. Five months of longing, of fantasies, went into the kiss. My heart expanded to the bursting point with a rush of pent-up emotion.
Cue the stringed instruments or the cool offbeat soundtrack by an indie film producer as we kissed and connected. The moment was perfect. Then from perfect it became more like overt P.D.A. as we heard some loud applause and cheering. We stopped and looked around us and found people watching us with tender smiles on their faces, clapping their hands dramatically.
As we stood on the side of the street we played out a reunited-and-it-feels-so-good scene that would have rivaled a tear-jerking movie like The Notebook or Serendipity or Sleepless in Seattle.
Naomi and I looked at each other again and giggled as we both blushed beet red. Then the blonde grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers. “God, we’re such a cliché,” she said out of the corner of her mouth as we started across the street.
“We’re a romamtic cliché,” I said, giggling a little.
Naomi fixed me with her blue eyes then arched her brows. “Change of venue?”
A pleased smirk curled my lips. “Why, I thought you’d never ask.”
“Quick. Ems!” Naomi egged me on, in between fit of giggles. Dashing through the rain, we hurried toward the café.
“Why—who—how . . .” Question words spluttered out of my mouth again when we reached the back office. Good thing, Big Martha had already left, leaving me free to dawdle, with Cassie covering for me. “What brings you here?”
With a smile curving my lips, I walked her backward until she was pinned between me and the back door.
“Well, technically it’s your dad’s fault,” the blonde said, staring down at me. “He asked me to come over for the holidays.”
“He—he did?” I said, truly surprised.
“Uhm-hmm,” Naomi said, lifting her hands to push her fingers up through my wet hair. “Actually, I was already planning a surprise visit to Bristol. And then I got a phone call from your dad. He said he wants to give you the best Christmas present and he thought I was the perfect gift—and we all know I’m the best—as you’ve apparently been crying for me every second of every day since you got back from Japan.”
My mouth parted in protest. “I was not.”
“Oh, God, who are you kidding, babe?” she said, snorting. “So because you were a pathetic little piece of mess, your dad asked me to come. He also offered to buy me the ticket. Of course, I refused and told him I can pay for my own but your dad’s a pushy one, isn’t he? We settled with half and half.”
“Yea. My dad could be quite aggressive. It’s annoying.”
“So far, I’m loving your family,” she said, sliding her hands down to the small of my back. “And Jenna did talk to me for a bit and she still sounded so . . . unfriendly.” She gave a mock shiver of fear. “Not to mention fake.”
“That’s the mother I know and love,” I quipped, making Naomi crack up.
Then we looked at each other with ear-to-ear grins on our faces. Then the grins faded into smiles. Then the smiles faded into stares. And we stared and stared until our stares grew more serious, more dangerous, more passion-drugged, more wanting. Until we could no longer control ourselves. Naomi was the first one to give in.
She dipped her head and kissed me hotly on the lips, sliding her hands over my butt to draw me closer to her. We kissed ravenously whilst I dealt with the slippery zipper of her sexy bomber jacket. She helped me tug it off.
“So you’re my Christmas present, yea?” I asked huskily against her mouth, and liking the shudder that rushed through her.
“Um-hmm,” she hummed against my lips. Our hands were busy—she worked my clinging sweater up to my waist and ran her hands over my wet skin whilst I tugged at the buttons of her top.
“Well, can I open my present now?” I murmured, sliding my lips down to her neck as I struggled unfastening the metal buttons of her jeans.
Naomi’s eyes widened in alarm and she pulled back. “Ems!” She hastily fumbled with the couple of buttons I had managed to unfasten. “Not here.” When I looked at her questioningly, I noticed that there was a teasing twinkle in her blue eyes as she raised her brows at me.
“Oh, right. I get this. Prolonging the agony,” I said, chuckling and taking a step back. “How long are you here for, babe?”
She quickly put her jacket back on and zipped it up. “I’m all yours ’til the end of New Year Recess. Second day of January, that is,” she said with a cute wink.
I caught her pinky finger with mine and tugged her. “C’mon. No time to waste.”
“Where are we going?” she asked, when I opened the back door.
“To Dunstall Road,” I said, smirking. “To finally introduce you to my lovable family.”
“You’re inviting me home?” Naomi asked, happy and smug.
“Of course. Although I have to warn you now that it’s annoying,” I said. “It’s formal. It’s all stuffy, over the top, and dead boring.” I sighed. “Home sweet home.”
She smirked. “You say ‘formal’ like it means ‘smelly.’”
“Well, the Fitches are an odd bunch.”
“You talk like you’re not a part of it.”
I shrugged. “Let’s just say I’m the least odd one.”
The rain had decreased to a sprinkle. We dodged puddles on our way to my orange moped.
“It sounds fun, Em,” she said, placing her arm across my shoulders and hugging me close as we neared my moped. “You know what I’m saying, yea? Seeing where you come from or seeing your friends and family—it’s revealing. In a good way.”
“Yea. Plus we can bake gingerbread men, sing Christmas carols together, and wear matching knitted sweaters.” I snorted. “Wear this, babe.” I offered her the extra helmet that was regularly used by Cassie during our little escapades.
“Wait. Is this a Christmas family thing?” she asked as she took her seat behind me on the moped.
I put on my helmet. “Yup. The Annual Fitch Christmas Feast. Tomorrow.” I reached for her hands and pulled her arms around me. I glanced over my shoulder at my girlfriend. She looked so irresistibly cute wearing the orange helmet.
“We have to go back to my hotel, though,” the blonde said, resting her chin on my shoulder. “I need clothes.”
“You’re better with your clothes off.”
“Ems!” She gave me a playful bite on the shoulder then giggled. God, was she cute.
I started the engine and felt Naomi jump a little as the moped came to life. She tightened her hold even more, and I grinned. “Don’t worry, babe. I have your pig shirt pinned to my wall.”
“That’s creepy!” She bit me on the shoulder again which made me laugh.
“I just can’t wait to see you in it, you know.” I winked at her in the side mirror.
“Your parents are there! I don’t plan on getting caught in the act.”
“They’re staying at my Aunt Julie’s place tonight,” I told her as I eased us out of the parking lot.
“How about Katie and James?”
“Katie’s busy with her fashion show. And trust me, if she’s in that couture room, the rest of the world can go to fuck. And James is somewhere doing God-knows-what with our neighbour Gordon MacPherson.”
Tightening her arms around me, Naomi moved her lips to my ticklish ear and whispered, “Looking forward to be ravaged, Miss Fitch.”
I parked just in front of our garage. Naomi slid off the moped and took her helmet off.
The exhilaration fairly radiated from her, and her eyes sparkled sky blue.
“It’s like a tour of Bristol. I love it!” she enthused. “The old feel of the city. The Tudor mansions. The squares from Georgian-era. The City Centre. And you have to take me to Harbourside, Emily.”
“Don’t worry, I will, babe,” I promised, hooking her helmet onto the back of the moped. Then I caught sight of someone. “Oh, shit. James.”
James was walking toward Gordon MacPherson’s house, carrying a box and looking all excited. I would recognise that box from twenty miles away. It held his porn collection. I smiled inwardly.
I moved to Naomi, my hands curving on her hips. “You know,” I said, my voice suddenly huskier. “I think James is going to be busy for at least a couple of hours over there.”
She knew exactly what that meant. I could sense heat pulse through her.
“Maybe longer,” she said hopefully.
I kissed her then, a quick but potent promise of things to come. “I wonder how fast it’ll take me to take off this helmet,” I muttered.
“Not fast enough,” she said, meaning it, and loving the jolt that went through me. Then I released her and began fumbling with the D-ring fastener on the helmet.
“Christ, Em, make it quick,” she said, trying to control the need that was rising in her as she watched me move.
“This is always the irritating part, you know,” I said through clenched teeth as I continued to struggle with the fastener.
“Oh, Jesus. Let me do it.” Naomi reached beneath my chin to help me release it. She did it in only a second, which cracked both of us up.
“Always my knight in shining armour,” I said, pulling her into a bear hug.
“And always the useless damsel in distress,” Naomi added.
I laughed again. It was so ridiculous. Virtually every moment since I’d met her was ridiculous. I was ridiculous, and I was loving every minute of it.
“I still have to park this in the garage, though.” I lifted off my helmet, ran a hand through my hair to lift it after the compression of the headgear, then looked up at her.
Our gazes locked and I instantly saw the ‘hungry Naomi’ look.
“Oh, fuck it,” I said.
By the time we reached the front door, we were already at fever pitch. Naomi began to tug at my top before I even had the door closed and locked; she’d lost her shyness that sweet night in my dorm room, when I told her quite bluntly that I was amazed by her magical fingers.
We left a trail of clothing across the living area, kissing each other fervently as we went, attacking and pinning each other as we stumbled up the stairs, and were naked by the time we hit the door to my bedroom, our hands busy searching out those special places we’d discovered with hungry caresses, as if we’d been apart much longer than five months.
We went down on the bed hard, grace and care forgotten, finesse abandoned as we sought the shortest path to what we so desperately needed. In unspoken agreement I lay back, pulling Naomi with me. I moaned as Naomi rested her hips between my legs and saw the way she nipped at her lip and knew she was as hotly aroused as I was. I was on fire; I felt as if I’d been an eon without her, and I was in no mood to wait any longer.
I slid my hands over her butt and drew her deeper into me. Naomi responded to my urgency with her own. Her lips moved over my face delicately, caressing each feature in turn. I tried to follow them, to capture them with my own for a kiss. But they were elusive, moving from ear to eyelid to temple to cheek to mouth, her breath was warm and sweet on my own skin as she traced a slow path to my breasts. She fondled me with such feather-light strokes that I couldn’t stop the moans from escaping my mouth.
I moved restlessly beneath her, but when I reached for her, she stretched my arms high above my head and traced kisses on the underside of my arm from my wrist to my armpit. Then she returned to assault my lips with hers, I was aching to have her magic inside me.
Sliding her hand between my thighs, she found my centre. She drew small circles on it with her fingertip. And then the blaze ignited. She began to move, I moved with her. I slipped my hand between her legs and reached my destination. The blonde moaned and closed her eyes, unable to watch me as I stroked her. Then I reached down and pushed her fingers further inside me. Those clever, magical fingers that knew me better, it seemed, than I knew myself—soft as her voice, delicate and perfectly judged.
We both cried out, and for one short, intense moment we hung there, breathless, feeling the rightness of these two bodies locked together.
It hit us hard and fast, on our nth stroke. I, startled by the swiftness and fierceness of it, cried out her name as my body convulsed. The moment my muscles clenched in that racking ripple of pleasure, Naomi moved her finger once more. I let out a moan as she clutched me so tightly it would have hurt but instead felt wonderful. Swiftly I made my move too. My name broke from her in a stunned voice as she exploded along with me.
She collapsed atop me, her breath coming in harsh, broken gasps. I felt another echoing pulse of that eruption, my body tightening again, and Naomi shuddered in response. For a long moment the only sound in the room was our rapid breathing.
“Wow,” I finally managed, albeit weakly.
Naomi lifted her head, looking, for that moment, as stunned as I had sounded. She swallowed; then came another set of quickened breaths. Then she closed her eyes and let out a long sigh, shaking her head.
That counts as wow, I decided.
I flipped her over and was now on top of her. “Ready for Round 2, Campbell?” I asked, slightly breathless.
“Bring it on, Fitch.” Giggling in between heavy breaths, Naomi flung the blanket on top of us.
We laughed. I rolled with her on the bed, kissing her again and again in the crook of her bare neck. Naomi couldn’t stop giggling.
There was a sudden click on the door knob and the door swung open.
“Hey, lezza bitches, are you—?”
Naomi and I flung away from each other upon hearing my twin and covered ourselves entirely with all the blankets we could reach for.
Then slowly we sneaked our heads out to look at Katie.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” Katie barked, and we instantly stiffened. “My sheets!”
“That’s her,” I said to Oz. “That’s Naomi. What do you think? Great legs, huh?”
Oz started panting.
I patted him on top of his head. “I know just how you feel,” I said to the Westie. “I feel like panting, too, but you have to learn to control these body functions, ’kay, Oz? Take my word for it, Naomi doesn’t like to be perved on.”
Oz jumped out, happily lunged at Naomi who was sitting at the kitchen table with her knees up and her bare feet on top of the seat. Naomi’s giggling was sweet music to my ears. And the blonde—clad in the infamous pig shirt and a pair of super short shorts—was quite an attention-grabbing sight.
“Oh, God. Is this Oz?”
I pulled the dog off Naomi and encouraged him to sit down. “He’s a bit poor in manners,” I explained. “He’s a puppy. He hasn’t been to obedience school yet.”
Oz’s mouth fell open, and his eyes widened in alarm.
“I don’t think he likes the idea of obedience school, Em,” Naomi said, fondling Oz’s little pointed ears.
“Cute bra, Naomi,” Katie said, marching into the kitchen with a blue lace bra dangling from her fingers. “Saw it hanging on the lamp in the living room. Very discreet, huh?” She dropped it onto Naomi’s lap.
Then she stood in front of us, put her hands on her hips, and fixed us a look. “God, can’t you two keep it in your pants for a minute?”
I can only smile sheepishly at her in response. Naomi sat staring into my sister’s scowling face with a little smirk, unbelievably unflustered.
“And how dare you use my bed. Ew.” She scowled at us. “Fuck’s sakes.”
“Sorry, Kates, it was the closer bed,” I mumbled.
“Ew. Gross,” Katie said. “And if you two are planning to shag, like, every second then I’ll gladly move to the guest room.”
“That will be deeply appreciated, Katiekins,” Naomi said with a teasing huge grin, which made Katie grimace all the more. Naomi laughed at my sister’s expression.
When Katie defused, she asked good-naturedly, “So, Naomi, you ready to meet our mum?”
Naomi stiffened for a second. “Actually, no. Got any tips, Katie?”
Katie smirked. “Just try to keep your knickers on in front of her if you don’t plan on getting fucking hit by a flying stiletto.”
“Oh, okay. That’d be really easy, wouldn’t it, Em?” When I didn’t answer, Naomi glanced over at me. “Em?”
I only stared down at my toes, mindlessly biting my fingernail.
Naomi gnawed her lip. “Yep. No, it wouldn’t,” she concluded. “It’s gonna be a fucking challenge.”
Katie shook her head in amusement. “Oh, Christ. I can already foresee the stiletto action in this house,” she said. “Anyway, I just dropped Oz off, but I have to, like, get back to my classmate’s house. We have this mini-fashion show to work on.” She turned for the door then stopped in the doorway to say something. “By the way, I left something for you Naomi. It’s on Emzy’s desk. Use it properly.”
“And, oh, fucking wash my sheets!” we heard her call before she left the house.
“Wow.” Naomi got to her feet and walked to the kitchen island. “Is she serious about the flying stilettos?”
“’Fraid so.” I gave Oz a bag full of burgers and a vanilla milkshake. “Don’t eat the carton, ’kay?” I told the dog. “Last time you ate the carton, it made you sick.”
Naomi forked some Fitch salad from a bowl and ate. “Aww, how sweet. You could be a great mum, Emily.”
“I was hoping you’d notice,” I said, taking a napkin and wiping milkshake off Oz’s face fur. Naomi smiled.
Oz had finished his burgers and was inching his way over to the chicken.
“You can’t have chicken,” I told him. I dumped a glob of Fitch salad on a paper plate, added a Garibaldi biscuit, and fed it to the puppy. “Save some for dessert,” I told him. “I brought s’mores.”
Naomi slanted a look at Oz. “He always eats like this? What did he have for brekkie?”
“We didn’t have much time this morning since I have the morning shift, so I got him coffee and doughnuts.”
“You fed him coffee and doughnuts for breakfast?”
“I made sure the coffee was cool. Yesterday was better. Yesterday we had orange juice and eggs and croissants.”
“Doesn’t he ever eat dog food?”
“Nope. I bought some for him, but he didn’t like it,” I said, sending Naomi into a fit of chuckles.
We were ready to settle ourselves in front of the laptop to talk to Gina on Skype, Oz bounded on the couch and took a seat. His ears were perked, his eyes were bright. “Woof!” he said smiling and panting.
“I think Oz is a cool bloke,” I said, watching the puppy in amazement. “I bet he’s not actually a dog at all. Maybe he’s some badass yuppie kidnapped by Martians and turned into a puppy.” I piled spaghetti and sauce on Oz’s plate. “You want cheese?”
“Really suave,” Naomi said, giggling. “All he needs is a tie.”
Oz was halfway through his spaghetti when he got sleepy and was soon sound asleep on the couch.
I liked Oz a lot when he was sleeping. Not only was Oz adorable, but he was also taking up most of the couch, making it necessary for everyone to sit pressed together, squeezed into the remaining few inches.
Naomi smiled and patted the Westie’s head. “Little Ozzy is such a couch hog.”
“I could move him,” I offered, sitting next to the puppy on the couch. I didn’t mean it, of course. I wouldn’t move that dog if the house was on fire.
“He looks so comfy though.”
As if on cue Oz rolled over, feet in the air, looking twice as comfy as before.
“That settles it,” Naomi said, wedging herself next to me. “He’s really a little charmer.”
She put her arm around me, and everywhere our bodies met I felt warmth. Before my next heartbeat, I was in her arms and her mouth was possessively taking mine. I kissed her back hungrily, with desire finally unleashed. Then she moved her head and kissed my neck, her lips skipping over it lightly, greedily. She clawed at my top.
“Babe, wait,” I said breathlessly, pulling back and pushing her hands away. “Wait.”
Naomi smiled droopily. “I always get carried away when I’m with you.” She reached for me again, sliding one hand across the taut hollow of my stomach as her lips moved hungrily over my neck. The same hand moved downward and insinuated itself under my skirt to stroke my thigh. I liquefied under her touch.
“Naomi,” I breathed, but took her sneaky hand off, “your mum’s waiting on Skype.”
She leant back against the couch. “Oh, shit,” she muttered, slapping her forehead. “Right.”
I chuckled then wrapped an arm around her waist. “To be continued,” I murmured against the sweet-smelling fabric of her pig shirt.
“This is your fault, you know. You should stop looking so irresistible,” Naomi muttered with mock annoyance. Then she tapped on the laptop’s touchpad.
“Hey, girls!” Gina sang out.
“Hey, Gina!” I greeted, grinning back.
“How’s Bristol?”
“Rainy,” Naomi answered.
“Oh, dear. That’s a drag,” the older Campbell said, briefly frowning. “Anyway, my baby girl, have you met Emily’s family?”
“Not yet, Mum. I’m holding my breath for tomorrow night,” Naomi replied, then she thoughtfully studied the room. “But this house has a friendly feel to it—massive, though. And I’m in love with Emily’s dog. His name is Oz and he’s a real charmer.” She glanced over at the sleeping puppy and pouted. “Aww . . . too bad, he’s sleeping like an angel right now.”
“Yes, I’m actually getting a bit jealous now,” I said with mock hurt. “She’s paying more attention to Oz than to me.”
Gina laughed. “You know, Emily sweetie, my daughter’s always been maternal.”
“Really?” I said, placing down Oz’s plate of unfinished spaghetti on my lap.
“Yes. Despite her tough exterior, that one’s a softie, you know,” Gina said. “Show her a limping worm and she’ll tear up and even dig up a hole for it.”
“Mum, worms don’t even limp,” Naomi said. “They just twitch or something. And I’m not a softie. I just . . . care.”
Gina only went on, “But, really, though, Naomi likes to care for things. She’s very affectionate and protective and motherly.”
“Yea, she’s been taking good care of me,” I said, smiling. “A bit too good, actually. She’s like ‘Eat your pancakes or you won’t be watching Glee.’”
Naomi’s head snapped to me. “Hey! I never deprived you of Glee.”
“Nope. That’s why I love her,” I mumbled with a tight-lipped smile. “Yep, she takes care of me.” I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
Naomi smiled at my sweet gesture, then she slipped an arm around my shoulders and hugged me close. “Well, Emily’s just one of those people who need assistance all the time.”
“Too right,” I admitted. “I’m useless.”
“Tell Mum how I took care of you, baby.” Naomi slid her eyes over to me and squeezed my arm.
I only looked at her dumbfounded and shook my head in a What? kind of way.
Naomi turned to her mother again. “Actually, I just took care of her earlier,” she said. “It was amazing how I did it. I even got a little scratch right here on my thigh because Emily was behaving like a naughty, naughty—Ow.”
“Naomi!” I said, swatting her on the arm as I finally got it. Naomi let out a peal of laughter then pinched my nose. Oz woke up and instantly munched on the plate of spaghetti on my lap.
“That’s wonderful to hear, girls.” A deep voice suddenly chimed in. Gertrude then appeared before us handing Gina a glass of red wine as she took a seat next to her cousin. She had a peeled banana in one hand and took a quick bite of it. “And, Emily darling, it’s actually pretty obvious how my niece amazingly caressed you judging from that.” She indicated the strap that fell off my shoulder with a nod of her head.
I fixed it right away. “Hi, Gertrude,” I greeted, despite my flushed face. It was unbelievable how deeply embarrassing it could get being the butt of the Campbell jokes.
“There’s a dog staring at me,” Gertrude said. “And he’s eating spaghetti.”
“Yep, that’s Oz,” Naomi told her. “Do you want to say ‘hi’ to him, Aunt G?”
“Of course I would like to meet him,” Gertrude mumbled through a chunk of banana. “It isn’t everyday I get to eat with a dog.”
Naomi and I laughed at her dumbfounded face. I couldn’t help but notice Gertrude’s ever cougar-ish look. Naomi then carried the Westie and made him wave at them with his front paws. Then the puppy went back to eating.
Sipping her wine, Gertrude looked over at Oz again. He’d finished his spaghetti and was now chewing some Garibaldi bits from an open pack. “He is a dog, isn’t he? He’s not, you know, some small person dressed in a dog costume?”
“We were just discussing that,” I said. “We aren’t actually sure.”
Gina smiled as she wistfully watched the puppy. “Naomi always wanted a dog, but our crazy lifestyle never lent itself to house pets.”
“What are you talking about, Mum?” Naomi said. “Our house is one big fucking pet house!”
Gertrude threw her head back and roared with laughter, then raised her wineglass. “Cheers to that!”
Gina only laughed with her.
Then when Gertrude sobered she looked at us. “Why, look at you three!” She beamed. “One small happy family,” she gushed, staring admiringly at me, Naomi, and the dog on my lap. “So, about the park reservation . . .”
Naomi and I opened our mouths to protest but Gina’s loud giggles stopped us.
It was Gina’s turn to raise her drink. “Cheers to that!” She and Gertrude clinked their glasses and was convulsing with silent laughter as Naomi and I exchanged a horrified glance.
We played a Klutz Pinkies playlist on the iPod as Naomi and I started to move Katie’s bed next to mine. The temperature had unexpectedly dropped that day and Naomi and I felt like we needed to seek comfort in each other’s arms. Also, Katie had happily agreed to temporarily stay in the guest room since according to her there’s no way in hell she’s going to sleep five feet away from two people who couldn’t keep their hands off each other. We removed the mattresses then pushed the two beds together, aiming for a king-sized one in result. We were giggling nonstop and dancing to the music and singing at the top of our vocal ranges as we changed sheets and arranged the pillows back on the bed.
Naomi flopped on the now-bigger bed, stretching her arms and legs, then let out a sigh. I sat on the edge of the bed and gave her foot a little tickle.
“So what’s next?” she asked, with a cute little giggle.
On my knees, I made my way over to her and put my face up to hers. “Twister?”
Naomi laughed, which made me laugh, and it hit me how long it had been since we’ve been just the two of us, just having a ridiculous time together.
“Oh, God, Panda and her seven-year old ideas,” she said.
“How about Jenga?” I suggested.
She laughed again. “Baaabe!”
“How about Jenga?” I suggested.
She laughed again. “Baaabe!”
Oz galloped into the room and jumped onto the bed beside Naomi.
“Oz really likes you, you know,” I said, caressing the puppy’s head. “Oz, give your Mummy Naomi a kiss. C’mon.” The Westie licked the blonde’s cheek.
Naomi looked up at me. “Mummy Naomi?”
“Well, don’t you want to be?”
She giggled again then lifted her head to kiss me quickly on the lips. “It will be my honour.” Then she looked at the puppy. “Hello there, Little Ozzy. Have you and Blue Poring met?” She reached for my stuffed toy from my bedside table and handed it to Oz which the puppy took happily. Soon he was somewhere under the bed, busy playing with his mate.
“You’re really a clever one, Miss Campbell,” I murmured, leaning over and pressing my lips on hers for a sweet, lingering kiss.
“Just one of my likable characteristics,” she breathed against my smiling lips.
We kissed more and giggled like little girls as I rolled with the duvet and wrapped us around it.
When we’re all coiled up together, limbs twisted and tangled but not entirely undressed or anything, I let out a sigh of contentment. “I have the best girlfriend, don’t you think?”
Naomi looked at me and kissed me just under my jawline. “I beg to differ. I have the best girlfriend.”
I smiled at her sweet response. “I didn’t know how much I missed Gina and Gertrude until tonight’s Skype convo.”
Naomi made a face. “God, they’re such meddling cows.”
I chuckled and stared at the ceiling. “Yea. I can’t believe your mum just offered to give us a room in your house.”
“Wait ‘til I hit twenty-five and they’ll start making frustrated-grandmother noises,” she said, making me crack up some more.
I pushed aside a handful of her gorgeous blond hair and kissed the side of her neck. “Stay here tonight.”
“Emily, I’m paying £32 a night for my hotel room. I should at least make use of the room service. Mess up my sheets a li’l or scatter crumpled toilet paper on the floor or something.”
“I don’t care. I’ll pay you double to sleep here with me.” I laid a soft kiss on her shoulder.
Naomi arched an eyebrow. “What am I, a whore?”
Her response made me laugh. “I just don’t care,” I said stubbornly, pressing more kisses along her shoulder. “Why do you even have to check into a hotel? You know you can stay here in our house.”
“Your dad paid half for my plane ticket, you know. It’s a little too much if I stay here, babe.”
“I don’t care. You’re sleeping here tonight. And if Dad knew about this, he will also insist on the same thing. You’re sleeping in my room. Period.”
“What about Katie?”
“Katie’s sleeping in the guest room.”
“Speaking of the devil’s favourite minion . . .” she began, disentangling herself from me, “there’s Katie’s little prezzie for me.” On excited feet, Naomi moved to my desk and picked up a small red paper bag with the name ‘BLONDIE’ written on it. “How sweet.”
“I’m kind of terrified as to what’s in it,” I said, with real dread.
Naomi snaked her hand into the bag. “Don’t be silly. I bet it’s just—What. The. Fuck,” she gasped, staring at a hot pink lacy hipster with a gold glittery ‘Pussy Slut’ printed on the back.
The blonde looked at me, her mouth still open in stunned surprise. I let out a peal of laughter at her expression.
Oz barked at the piece of garment, his eyes bright. Naomi bent down to the dog and rubbed his ears; then she led him to the door and gently shoved him outside.
“I’m sorry, Ozzy, but it’s time for you to go,” she said, closing the door then sliding the bolt.
Then the blonde turned back to me with a devilish smirk that made me suck in a breath. I waited in tense expectation. Even in the semidarkness I could read the stirring sensuality in her gaze.
Naomi edged her way to me, still with that sexy curl of her lips. And my breath hitched when I heard her say in a seductive deep tone, “This is for Mummy Emily’s eyes only.”
I stood at the kitchen doorway, hiding partially behind the wall and starting to get quite amused at the sight of my girlfriend and my brother having a special bonding moment on the night of Christmas Eve. A smile curled my lips. It was such a bloody hilarious scene. Naomi was obviously getting annoyed and ready to fire the large wooden spoon in her hand at my mental brother as he went on with his pervy little comments about Naomi and her nice boobs. Well, I couldn’t blame my brother; Naomi looked va-va-voom! in a cute and sexy red-belted white mini dress that Katie made her wear. Oblivious to my presence, the two went on with their little chitchat whilst I kept on eavesdropping.
“. . . There’s this girl that I’m dating,” James said. “Her name is Chelsea. We used to have a very bizarre relationship. It was maddening. She wouldn’t just seal the deal, you know. But then one time she caught me snogging another girl and that’s when she started acting like madly in love with me and then she became my girlfriend. It’s just sad, you know. Sometimes people need to come close to losing something before they realise its value.”
“Amen,” Naomi agreed, a little impressed with my brother’s insightfulness and a little guilty. Of course my brother struck a nerve there somewhere.
“But Chelsea and I are okay now. You know, Chelsea has great boobs too. Like yours,” James went on, making Naomi stare at him this time. “I’ve touched her boobs. Eleven times already. And they feel great every time.”
Naomi snorted. “Congratulations.” She put on an apron and stood at the island range top.
“You know, I used to watch my sisters while they shower, but I always get kicked when I get caught. That’s why I wanted to learn taekwondo. For self-defence.”
She raised her brows. “So you hit your sisters back?”
“Nope. They’d kill me. Emily plays football, you see. And Katie?” He gave a mock shiver of fear. “She’s just a horrible force to be reckoned with.”
Naomi let out a chuckle. “Tell me about it.” Then she went back to her cooking, gauging if the wok’s heat was good enough.
“You know, Emily used to have a box full of fannies under her bed,” James said, making Naomi look at him again in intrigue. “I don’t know if it’s still there but if you ever get bored, I can look for it and show you. I know the combination—”
Okay. That was my cue.
“James,” I interrupted, giving him the evil eye as I entered the kitchen. “Fuck off.”
“Naomi’s a guest in our house. I’m just making her feel at home,” James explained. Naomi chuckled at my furious and red face.
“James,” I repeated, my tone more menacing. “I said fuck off.”
“All right, all right. I’ll just play with Oz. Hey, Oz.” He crouched on the floor and called, “Come here, boy.”
I came up behind Naomi and put my hands on her tummy, hugging her. “Sorry. I know he’s a mouthy little bastard.” I dropped small kisses along Naomi’s shoulder.
“And you’re a pervy little ball of hormones. A box full of fannies, eh?” she teased.
“Shut up,” I muttered against her shoulder, my face turning redder. Naomi only laughed.
I felt someone poking my back. I turned around. James was forlornly staring into an empty bag of chips. “Oz ate all my chips.”
“He’s a puppy,” I said, throwing a black look at the Westie.
Naomi added oil to the wok. “I hope he hasn’t ruined his appetite.”
James looked at Oz who was sprawled across the kitchen floor. “I don’t think this house is big enough for all of us. He’s a nice dog, Emily, but he’s moving in on my territory.”
Naomi dumped the meat and vegetables into the wok and stirred. Oz was on his feet beside her. His tail was swishing back and forth, his ears were perked up, his mouth was open in joyous expectation.
Naomi scooped the stir-fry into a heavy ceramic bowl, blew on it, and when it was cool, she said to Oz, “Bon appétit.” She set the bowl on the floor.
I saw James staring all bright-eyed at something. When I saw that he was eyeing Naomi’s exposed bra as the blonde was bent down, I whacked James’s head with a dishcloth. “Ugh. You little wanker!”
Naomi folded her arms and shook her head at us. “Like sister, like brother.”
Oz made a few loud grunting, slurping, snorting noises, and the food was gone. He sat back and studied the bowl, as if more food might suddenly appear.
The blonde regarded the dog. “You want some more, Ozzy?”
I slipped my arms around Naomi’s waist as she began working on a pan of gently sizzling chicken breasts. “Contrary to what I assumed, Naomi Campbell is actually the spoiler,” I said, pressing a kiss onto her neck.
“And you’re the disciplinarian,” she said, turning in my arms to face me. “That would work.”
I glanced down at Naomi’s lips. Her eyes widened momentarily, looking at something behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw my little brother, all wide-eyed and grinning expectantly at us.
“Oh, go on,” James egged on. “I don’t mind. I definitely wouldn’t mind at all. But if you’re not comfortable with someone watching, I could hide under the kitchen table or inside the cupboards, you know. Gordon MacPherson says watching two girls doing it gives you a bigger boner.”
Naomi laughed at the earnest expression on his face.
“James, you pervy li’l worm.” I kicked his shin, making him grunt in pain. “Get the fuck out of here.”
He only screwed his face up. “No! Naomi and I are having an awesome time together.”
“Fuck off, James,” I commanded sharply. “Now.”
He turned to Naomi, pouting his lips. “Naomi?” He made puppy eyes at her. “Don’t let Emily kick me out, please. You can’t deny we have this connection, right? I bet you can feel it too. Maybe it’s true love?” He grinned. “Why don’t we give it a try, yea?”
Naomi only smiled briefly down at him and patted him on the head. “Just go marvel at your porn stash or something.”
My brother’s face fell. “Fine,” he said grudgingly and with mock hurt. He turned and walked toward the doorway, deliberately making his steps loud and heavy.
Then he stopped at the doorway and pivoted to look at Naomi again. “You broke a poor boy’s heart, Naomi. Remember that,” he said, putting his hand over his heart as if in real pain. “You broke James Fitch’s heart on Christmas Eve.” Then he walked away.
“Oh, Jesus Christ. Thank God, I’m an only child,” Naomi said, watching my brother’s retreating figure, with a scowl.
I rolled my eyes. “Tell me about it.” Then I moved toward her and pressed her against the kitchen island. “So how do you like the idea of babysitting my brother for a day?”
“Oh, hell no.”
“What about my mother?” I asked, running a teasing finger along her arm.
“No. No way.”
“No?” My hand snaked under her skirt, making her shiver.
“No,” she said, resting her hands on the curve of my hips. “You’re the only Fitch I would love to babysit, babe. Although sometimes you could be a royal pain in the arse.”
I looked up at her, our lips barely two inches away. “Oh, really?” I murmured, arching a brow.
“Really.” Slowly Naomi lowered her mouth for a kiss. “A huge . . . pain . . . in . . . the—”
Then there was a short commotion in the front room which made us awkwardly pull away from each other.
“They’re here!” we heard James shout.
Swiftly Naomi took the apron off, moved to the sink and washed her hands, then stood nervously against a kitchen counter. She looked so adorable whilst she gnawed her lips in nerves, waiting in anticipation . . . or in horror. I moved toward her, grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She gave me a faint yet sweet smile in return.
“Merry Christmas, everyone!” Dad, wearing a ridiculous Santa hat, entered the kitchen. He glanced around. “Something smells good.”
“It’s all Naomi’s,” James said enthusiastically, trotting after him. “Naomi’s a topnotch cook, you know. She made me pancakes this morning. They were awesome!”
I flashed James a brief, thankful smile. He grinned back. I just love my little brother for being such a butt-kisser sometimes.
I felt a flutter of nerves when Naomi moved to greet my parents. “Hello, Rob. Jenna.”
“Naomi!” Dad beamed, rushing toward the blonde. “It’s very nice to see you finally!” He reached out his arms, hugging her hard.
Mum only smiled very briefly at Naomi. “I’m just going to prepare the sweets.”
Dad picked up a fork and tasted the chicken breasts. “Mmm,” he mumbled through a tiny bone. “At last, some fine cooking in this house. I knew inviting Naomi over for the holidays was the best decision I’ve ever made, eh?”
My mum’s mouth was pinched as she arranged an assortment of pastries on a big silver tray. I went over to her and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Merry Christmas, Mum.”
She seemed a little tense when she smiled back. “Merry Christmas to you too, dear.” Then she went fussing over a plate of curried lamb niblets.
I picked a good old-fashioned chocolate chip cookie from the tray, took a bite, then walked back to Naomi and held it up for the blonde to taste. Then I took a Dutch cream puff and ate it like a kid, grime covering the corners of my mouth.
Giggling, Naomi took the grime off with a fingertip. “Oh, babe, you’re such a tot,” she cooed. In response, I kissed her smiling lips.
Mum briefly glanced over her shoulder at us. Her expression was rather unpleasant.
I ignored Mum’s reaction and leant in for another kiss but Naomi drew back and let out a cute moan of protest. I looked at her with creased brows. She only mouthed “Your mum.”
I chuckled and pressed my mouth on hers. “I don’t care,” I murmured against her lips.
A sudden clearing of throat from Mum made Naomi awkwardly pull back. When I turned around she was still busy with the pastries, ignoring us meticulously.
I rolled my eyes, chuckled, and turned toward Naomi and attempted for a kiss but the blonde shook her head and glanced pointedly at my mother. “Emily,” she ground out between her teeth as she tried to maintain a decorous mien around my mother.
I puffed a disappointed breath and muttered, “Fine.”
Another clearing of throat from Mum made us both look at her. “Why don’t you girls take your seats at the table,” she called finally, a bit stiffly. “Time for the Fitch Christmas Feast.”
Normally I would respond with an enthusiastic ‘Yay’ but instead I settled for an audible gulp as I flicked my eyes between my mother and my girlfriend in trepidation.
This was going to be a long night.
This was going to be a long night.
Dinner followed shortly thereafter. Seated in front of me and Naomi, I could sense Mum’s uneasiness, and I began feeling the dreaded pressures that accompanied an evening of Naomi Campbell with the Fitches. I tried desperately to shake off the sensation and tension without much success. Mum tried to be civil, but could not hide the fact that she wasn’t a fan of Naomi’s. At least, not at the moment. Naomi and I tried to not seem particularly cautious about others knowing about our relationship. We smiled and joked and generally seemed more at ease with each other and intimate. Dad was congenial as well.
“I have to say, Naomi,” Dad began, “this is the best soup we’ve ever had in this house. You’re one bloody kitchen genius.”
“Too right,” James agreed. “It’s so much better than Mum’s. Her artichoke and beetroot tastes like bollocky wankshite.” He let out a snort of disgust.
“James.” Dad shot him a stern look. “You’re lucky it’s Fitch Christmas Feast tonight or you’ll be doing forty reps on the naughty bar.”
I giggled and dropped a quick kiss on Naomi’s cheek. “What can I say, I have the best girlfriend on the planet.”
“Excuse me for a bit.” Scowling, Mum pushed herself off her chair to walk out of the room and back into the kitchen.
“Don’t mind Jenna,” Dad said. “Her mood-swings are just extreme sometimes, you know.”
“You mean her homophobia?” Katie quipped.
“Your mother is not homophobic,” Dad maintained. “She’s just a little stressed out with all the holiday preparations, that’s all.”
“Oh, who are you joking, Dad?” Katie said with a roll of her eyes.
“So, Naomi,” Dad began, before taking a sip of Naomi’s delightful cream of potato soup again. “I heard you’re graduating soon?”
Naomi nodded and smiled. “Yes. I only have two semesters left so after this term and the Summer Term which ends in February, I’m ready to take on the world.”
“And just how do you plan on taking on the world, young lady?” Dad asked with an impressed smile.
“I was thinking of working for my grandfather. He’s running a project that will last for 25 weeks in Africa. I’ve volunteered as one of the Development Instructors,” Naomi answered.
“And this project is for?” Katie asked as if she really cared.
“Well, primarily, we aim to contribute to the education of the primary schools in Angola, Mozambique, and Malawi. We’ll be conducting special trainings and workshops to develop the teaching methods of the primary school teachers. It’s really to deliver good service to the children and at the same time to the rural communities. In short, we’re there to teach teachers.”
I loved how Naomi sounded so passionate about certain things. This made her seem hundred times hotter. Thinking that kissing Naomi again might be a little over the top, considering the tensions of the evening, I just opted to trail my fingers up her thigh which made the blonde gasp a little. I fought off a smirk.
Katie eyed us with an ‘I see you’ knowing smirk, causing our cheeks to blush slightly.
James looked completely lost but he spoke. “Wow,” he said. “Sounds impressive. Not to mention intense.”
“The training will definitely be intense,” Naomi managed to say evenly. “Plus the fact that I have to study Portuguese and take all those immunity shots . . .” Whilst Naomi was talking I had slipped my hand between her legs and she quivered a little when I reached the thin fabric of her panties. The blonde tensed, squirmed a little, and her grip on her fork was getting tighter. Dad cocked his head to the side and looked at Naomi oddly for a second but the girl managed to smile through it. The blonde weakly tried fighting off my hand but she got by and went on, “There’s also one project that my mum is working on and it will start next year also in Africa. It’s a Child Aid project aimed to improve the living conditions of children. It’s tougher, I suppose.” At her last word, a little sigh of pleasure escaped Naomi’s lips which, thankfully, nobody else around the table noticed.
A faint smiled twitched my lips. Naomi briefly glanced at me with daggers in her eyes. I instantly pulled my hand away and fought to keep a steady face, reached for my goblet and took a long sip of the wine but not before noticing Mum gazing at us with suspicious eyes in the doorway.
Dad looked genuinely impressed. “I must say, Naomi, I’m in awe of your family and your objectives in life.” Then he looked up at Mum who was on her way back to the table with a crystal bowl of trifle in her hands. “It’s very noble, don’t you think, hun?”
Mum didn’t bother to reply but only sat back in her chair and forked a lamb niblet in silent aloofness.
“They’re very passionate about securing the dignity and future of humankind,” I chimed in, sounding like a complete suck-up championing her girlfriend in front of her parents. “Her house was even turned into a homeless shelter for about three years. Right, Naomes?”
“It was a madhouse,” Naomi said. “There was hardly any privacy. But it’s all good. It was for a good cause.”
Mum gave Naomi a long, steady look that made me—and certainly Naomi, too—suddenly nervous, wondering what she was thinking. Feeling my girlfriend tense up in her seat, I came to her rescue. I took her hand in mine and squeezed it reassuringly under the table.
“So right after graduation you’ll leave for Africa?” Mum finally spoke, with a slightly icy tone.
“I’m actually not sure yet, Jenna,” Naomi answered, sounding surprisingly relaxed. “I mean, there’s a lot of things I would also like to explore first before really entering such a serious career so I’m just weighing my options. Our friend JJ is also talking to me about starting a business together and my professor back at New South is forcing me to take graduate studies. And Emily’s here in Bristol so—”
“Emily will be back in Kyoto, actually,” Mum corrected.
Naomi drew back and looked at me, startled. “Is that right?”
“Yes, I was going to tell you, babe,” I told the blonde. “I’ve just been accepted by Hamada U and I’m starting this April.” I ventured a smile.
Naomi looked dangerously upset, making my smile fade instantly. “Huh.”
“I just thought I’d take a stab at it,” I explained a bit shakily. “I didn’t know I’d be accepted and I would get the scholarship. Everything just fell into place.”
The blonde didn’t say anything back. She only smiled a brief little one, pulled her hand away from mine, took a table napkin and wiped her mouth in forbidding silence. I could read that tiny smile very well. It made me tense up and gulp.
“Uh – erm – right. Okay, everyone,” Dad jumped in—clasping his hands together enthusiastically—to relieve the awkward silence, “let’s take a family photo, shall we?” On excited feet, he set up the tripod and camera in front of the dining table. James groaned. Katie rolled her eyes.
“No need for the tripod, Rob,” Naomi called, getting up. “I could just take the picture.” She moved toward the tripod.
“Oh, don’t be silly, Naomi.” Dad waved her away. “Join us. Go sit next to Emily.”
“No, it’s fine,” the blonde insisted. “I could—”
“C’mon, Naomi. You’re family,” Dad prodded. His last sentence made Mum look at him with raised brows.
Naomi hesitated when she saw the way my mother reacted and I took that as a cue to save her. I took Naomi’s hand and tugged her back to her seat.
“Babe, come on,” I said, giving her a sweet smile. The blonde then smiled back faintly and obliged. We took our seats.
Naomi leant in to me. “God, your mum hates me so much,” she whispered, as Dad adjusted the camera. “It’s written all over her face.”
“Nope. She’s just a little stressed out,” I said, trying to convince myself as much as anyone else.
After a few awkward photo poses and fake smiles, everyone went back to their seats. James and Katie began arguing about something. Dad and a slightly-friendlier Mum started asking Naomi about her family and the Aussie life.
Thinking it was the perfect time to give them a chance to bond, I got up. “I’ll get the dessert,” I said, trying to cut in the strained atmosphere.
With the tray of pastries in my hands, I observed from a distance. Mum’s chuckles sounded a little too weird, too forced. As was the way she studied Naomi with such wariness. A prickle of awareness feathered my skin. There’ve been weird vibrations going on here, I thought. Very weird vibes. And I noticed Naomi had been feeling it too as she seemed a bit tense in her chair.
Dad was clearing the dishes when Mum asked, “Naomi, could I have a word with you?”
Shooting me a look of dismay first, Naomi nevertheless followed my mother into the nooklike room next to the kitchen.
Wondering what that was all about, I hurried to spy—peeking around the corner into the room. I caught them in a very awkward situation. My heart thudded and my head reeled. What is going on here?
There was an eerie silence in the room. Naomi’s furrowed brow reflected her feelings, and she cleared her expression.
Mum fingered a crystal glass full of port and gazed out the windows to the drooping limbs of a water-soaked oak tree. “Such a lovely reunion, isn’t it?”
Naomi only stayed hushed.
“No comment?” My mother’s lips pursed.
“None whatsoever,” Naomi answered.
Mum looked at the blonde, a tiny smile flitted on her mouth. “Well, you’re a fairly decent girl, Naomi.” She moved restlessly to the other side of the room. “I never believed you and my daughter would stay together, but I see now that you flying all the way over here has done the impossible. Now you’re together again, much stronger. And Emily seems . . . happy, for lack of a better word.”
Since there seemed to be no response needed, Naomi remained quiet.
“I honestly thought that perhaps you were just fooling around with my daughter, and that you’ll only screw her up, but I see I was wrong.”
“Screw her up?” Naomi repeated in a baffled tone. “You really thought I was just going to screw Emily up?”
Mum waved her away. “Let’s not argue about this again. I was told you’ve got quite a reputation for running away.”
The blonde’s lips twitched. “I love Emily and I would never hurt her. I’ve done that a few times before and I saw how those were the stupidest things I’ve ever done. I’m not proud of them.”
Mum set the crystal glass down. “I just want my daughter to stay happy. Do you want that for her too, Naomi?”
Reading the series of swift expressions that crossed Naomi’s face, Mum visibly relaxed and her face softened into a smile. She walked over to the blonde and patted her arm. “That’s all right then,” she said. “Welcome to the family, Naomi.”
The ride to the hotel where Naomi had checked in was quiet, and I fought to keep my hands off my gorgeous girlfriend as I drove us through the rainy night. She’d withdrawn from me after her encounter with Mum, and it bothered me.
It wasn’t until I had sped down the lane to the rain-slicked main thoroughfare and wheeled my car into the sparse traffic that I spoke.
“So what was that conversation with Mum all about?” I asked, as if I hadn’t eavesdropped.
“Your mum welcomed me into the family.”
“With open arms?”
She slid me a look and a slight smile. “As open as they will ever get.”
“Then why are you acting so weird?”
She didn’t answer right away. “I just can’t believe you didn’t tell me about Hamada U. That you’re really going for it.”
“It just slipped my mind, baby. I was going to tell you. Everything just panned out perfectly. I mean, with Misaki helping me—”
Her mouth turned down at the corners. “With Misaki,” she echoed flatly.
Her tone made me tense a little. “Yes. She – uh – she sort of helped me with the forms and the essay and—”
“Right. I know what this is,” she said quietly yet very scathingly. “This is just a ploy to lure you back to her.”
“Don’t even say that,” I said, genuinely affronted. “Misaki was just there to help me.”
“Of course.”
“I’m your girlfriend. Chrissakes,” Naomi snapped. “If you need help, I’m here for you. You should be going to me. Not to Misaki. Not to any other person.”
“I’m sorry, all right?” I said ruefully, placing an apologetic hand on her lap. But she did a little jerk with her leg, making me pull my hand away instantly.
She turned her back and stared out the window. “Or maybe it’s for another reason. You’re going there for her.”
I winced. “What?”
“Should be good for you, eh?” she said dryly. “You have a nanny. I know she’s a very sweet, caring person. And she still might be wildly, madly in love with you.”
“It’s not like that, okay? You don’t know what you’re on about.”
“I’m sure she’ll be knocking on your door every night and you’d be welcoming her with open arms,” she added with a soft, derisive chuckle and an indignant shake of her head.
“You’re hurt that’s why you’re not being reasonable,” I said quietly.
Naomi looked at me then, her expression instantly severe. “Yes, I’m hurt,” she agreed. “But I’m being very reasonable.”
My jaw tensed. “I’ll be ready to discuss this with you when you’ve calmed down.”
“Oh, I’m calm,” she muttered. “I’m perfectly calm.”
I didn’t bother for a comeback. It was just a waste of breath to argue with Naomi when she’s in a full-force sarcastic/jealous rage mode. I was thoroughly annoyed and my annoyance manifested in the way I was gripping on the black leather steering wheel. A deathly quiet floated inside the car. Neither Naomi nor I spoke, but out of the corner of my eye I saw that Naomi’s fists were clenched at her sides.
After covering the distance to her hotel in silence, I whipped the car to the curb and slammed on the brakes abruptly.
I turned in my seat to face her. I braced my arm on the back of my seat and gave her a level stare. “Are you done being a bitch?”
But rather than quaking with rage as she had been doing but minutes ago, she was now cowering. “No. I—”
“I don’t know why things go tits up whenever I try to make things better. And I don’t understand why you’re making such a huge deal out of everything, Naomi,” I was practically shouting, finally losing the composure I’d tried so hard to hold on to. When I saw her flinch, I exhaled wearily. “I’m sorry, okay? I don’t want to fight with you.”
“I know,” she said quietly, lowering her eyes.
“I don’t want any verbal dueling, okay? That’s the last thing I want. I especially don’t want you to feel betrayed or hurt or anything. Because there’s nothing to rant and rave about, okay? Fuck’s sake, Naomi, I need you to be understanding sometimes.”
For long moments we sat in stony silence. Naomi’s profile, lit by the soft glow of the streetlight outside of the car’s window was just as cold as the temperature outside.
“Thanks for the lift.” Naomi placed her hand on the door handle.
I caught her arm before she opened the door. “Don’t,” was all I said, but the simple word was potent. With only a little indifference and a tinge of fear, she obeyed me and waited for me to come around and hold the door for her.
“I’ll walk you to your room,” I offered. Naomi just nodded silently. Impervious to the rain, I followed her into the hotel and up to her room.
“Tell everyone I had a lovely time tonight,” she said with dripping sweetness before inserting the keycard into her door and turning the handle. “Good night.”
When the door was opened, I asked, “Can I come in?”
I backed her into the room until I could close the door behind me, making her look at me questioningly. I switched on the light then made a thorough inspection of her hotel room whilst she stood at the door in irritation.
I pivoted then came to her and yanked her against me, one arm around her waist. The other hand imbedded itself in her hair and forced her head down to me as I lifted my head to kiss her.
“Em—” she barely got out before my mouth came up over hers. I kissed her without mercy. Even though she squirmed against me, I tugged her easily toward the bed.
We landed on the bed with an impact that drove the air from both our lungs. I pinned her beneath me, my mouth not leaving hers. Naomi moaned, but the fight was lost and she knew it. Her moans of protest became whimpering pleas as I stroked her neck and chest with my lips and tongue.
I released her hands and put my face back up to hers. Her hands burrowed into my hair, frantic now that I might be the one to escape.
I cradled her face between my hands. “God, Naomi, you’re driving me crazy.”
The blonde intertwined her fingers behind my head, pulled me down and spoke against my lips. “What do you think you’re doing to me?”
“Nothing, compared to what I’d like to do.”
We stared at each other, hot and itchy with frustration. Her hands glided down, pushed my skirt up and began to tug at the waistband of my leggings.
I pushed off her hands and pulled back. “Wait—not here. I have to . . .” I crawled off the bed.
Naomi propped herself up on her elbows, still dizzy with desire. “Where are you going?” she asked breathlessly. “You can’t seriously leave me like this.”
Swiftly I went into the bathroom, took a handful of tissue paper, crumpled them in my hands then threw them all over the room. Naomi was just watching me, half baffled and half amused.
I turned to her, with folded arms and a sassy smirk on my face. “Messed up sheets and crumpled tissue all over the floor. Happy now?” I said. She only stared back at me in disbelief.
“C’mon now. Let’s go.” I crossed the room, took her luggage and dragged it with me outside the door.
“Emily?” Naomi’s face was that of utter bewilderment.
“You’re staying in our house,” I said firmly. “You’re sleeping in my bed, period.”
“But—” she began.
“No buts, Naomi,” I said, my tone as hard as granite. “You’ll bring your stuff and you will check out of this hotel right now.”
The blonde started to protest again but saw by the set of my jaw there was no point. She straightened her dress then stood up from the bed. She hurriedly moved to the dresser and took Firefighter Pig which was sitting on top of it.
I stretched out a hand, and Naomi dutifully clasped it and linked our fingers.
“I like the sudden reversal of roles,” she said, now smiling.
A smirk curved a corner of my mouth as I tugged her down the hallway. “You ain’t seen nothing yet, hun.”
I trailed my fingertips across her temple, stroking the golden hair back from her face. “Did you have a good sleep, my love?”
Naomi pulled her head back so she could see my eyes. “I had a dream. It was bloody ridiculous, actually.”
“Ah, yea?” I rolled to my side and kissed her waiting lips. “How bloody ridiculous?”
“We were at the Emmy’s and we’re both nominees,” she said. “We were wearing really nice gowns, got down on the red carpet from a flashy limo, then we were welcomed by the paparazzis. Christ, it was like a fucking obstacle course. I fought the horde of reporters for you, babe.”
With a delighted laugh, I levered myself on top of her. “I told you you were my knight in shining armour.” My hand slid downward, my fingers dancing over her bare tummy. “So I’m guessing you won for Outstanding Lead Actress in an Action Series with you destroying Zoe Hammond in that epic Clash of the Titans scene? Tell me again how you destroyed her.”
Naomi’s lashes fluttered down. “I did not destroy her. It was a particularly effective but ladylike slap.”
“Yea, right.” Grinning, I tipped her face up, then laughed out loud at the wicked glee in her eyes.
“I shouldn’t be proud of it.” She chuckled adorably. “But for only an instant, before I was horrified, I felt wonderful. Then I was numb, then I was furious all over again.” She ran a hand down my spine. “Besides she fucking started it.”
I brushed a knuckle down her cheek then kissed her rosy lips. “And you finished it.” She only smiled smugly. “Did I win?”
“You won as Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series for that epic crying scene in front of me and my mum on Skype.”
“I don’t care. At least my award’s more . . . professional.”
Naomi pursed her lips in a very cute way and furrowed her brow. “If I remember correctly, mine’s shinier.”
“Naomi.” I lowered my head to kiss her temple. “You’re being a figjam.”
“Yep. And I’m going to keep right on figjam-ing.”
“I don’t understand why yours is shinier. It just doesn’t make any sense. We both won an Emmy. My Emmy’s supposed to be every bit as shiny as your Emmy. How come yours is shinier? It’s just not fair. You know, mine should—”
“Em,” Naomi said, interrupting my ranting, “sometimes you exhaust me.”
All the while she was talking, her hands were crawling downwards, cupping my hips and drawing me further against her.
Feverishly my mouth sought hers and fused with it. Draping her thighs over mine, I worshiped her first with my eyes, then with my touch, then with my lips. All the love I felt for her was made manifest in the sweet supplication of my mouth. She clutched my head, kissing me back passionately.
Then she stopped and pushed gently against my chest.
I gave her a questioning look. “What’s wrong?”
“Before we go any further,” she began, eyeing something in the room furtively, “will you check the closet? James might be hiding in it.”
I laughed, then dipped my head again and kissed her. I let a hand slide into Naomi’s bra, cupping her breast. She writhed under me, our mouths still fixed to each other’s. Endearments poured from two sets of lips in harmony, like a rehearsed chant.
“Emily, Naomi, breakfast is—Oh, dear! Oh, my!”
“Oh, God.” Naomi shoved against my chest. “Jenna.” Her voice held the horror she had brought to her eyes.
I turned my head and saw Mum in the doorway staring at the two of us with a stunned expression. Naomi and I instantly sat up straight, tugging the duvet up to our necks to cover our bodies. Mum took in our flushed mortified expressions, our dishevelment.
“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath, my cheeks getting hot. “Mum!” I had never felt so embarrassed in my entire life. I wished the ground would open up and swallow me.
Awkward silence hung thick in the air for a moment before Mum gathered enough strength to speak. “I’m sorry, girls. I didn’t mean to interrupt—I was just—” She cleared her throat. “Breakfast is ready downstairs.” Then she turned on her heel and disappeared in a flash.
The door closed behind her. I screwed my eyes shut, opened them again, then turned to Naomi. “Oh, my God. Did my mother just walk in on us doing it?”
Naomi covered her flushed face with her hands. “Yep. You ain’t dreaming, Em,” she mumbled. “Oh, fuck. Oh, Jesus.”
“I guess we have to have the talk with Mum,” I said, crawling off the bed. “Are you good at giving the dirt?”
Naomi took her hands off her face then gave me a long stare. “Emily, you know very well I lack communication skills.”
“Get up, babe,” I said, throwing a robe into Naomi’s hands. “Time for debriefing.”
“Good morning, girls!” Dad sang out as soon as Naomi and I entered the kitchen. “And happy, happy Christmas!”
“Morning, Rob,” Naomi greeted back with a wide smile.
“Hey, Dad,” I said, giving my dad a quick hug. “Have I thanked you enough for giving me the perfect Christmas present?”
“This is the hundredth time, actually,” Dad said, grinning. “You’re welcome, kiddo.”
Mum set down a jar of mayonnaise on the kitchen counter. “Do you girls want some sandwich?”
I shook my head. “Nah.” I patted my stomach. “I was chewing s’mores all through my shift three days ago. I still feel like a blimp.”
Mum rolled her eyes. “Right. You’re too skinny, Emily.” She took out a head of lettuce and a jar of mustard and nudged the refrigerator door shut with her elbow. “How about you, Naomi?”
“No, thanks, Jenna,” Naomi said, grabbing a fresh carrot from the wire basket on the granite-topped kitchen island. “This carrot works for me.” She took a crunchy bite.
Mum turned to Dad. “What is up with kids these days that they all just turn into vegetarians?”
“It might be Lady Gaga's fault. Her meat dress was outrageous,” Dad answered casually, taking a sip of his coffee. “Or that Jolly Green Giant. Everyone loves that giant.” Then he started singing in a tenor voice, “Good things from the garden. Garden in the valley. Valley of the Jolly ho, ho, ho Green Giant!”
I caught sight of Naomi struggling to keep a steady face. I rolled my eyes and mouthed, “Odd.” Naomi silently snickered into her hand for a second. Then she gave me a look, motioning for me to start debriefing.
I took a gulp first. “Mum,” I took the plunge, trying to sound as casual as I can, “about what you saw earlier . . . uhm – we were – we were just—”
Mum’s chuckle sounded a little weird. “I’m a trained observer, Emily darling. When I see two people, both naked, pawing each other—”
Dad suddenly spit out his coffee. He was taken aback, but managed to smile through it.
“—I know what they’re up to. I woke up twenty years ahead of you, you know.”
“We weren’t naked though,” I corrected as if it would make things lighter. “We were in our underwear. And ‘pawing’?” My brow furrowed in question.
“Don’t you think you could have mistaken the situation, love?” Dad jumped in, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.
Oh, how wrong you are, Dad, I thought, smirking inwardly. How very wrong you are. Naomi and I exchanged a look. Amusement came and went a heartbeat. The moment we saw Mum’s humourless face, our smirks faded.
Mum was unsmilingly spreading mustard on a piece of pita bread. “It doesn’t matter if you were wearing overalls. Judging from the way you two were going, I’m sure you’d end up going a lot further. And thank God, I walked in earlier.”
“I guess so.” I was silent for a moment. I glanced behind me at Naomi. She cocked her head at me, indicating I should carry on debriefing.
I tried again. “Look, Mum, I know it’s weird . . .”
Mum regarded me with a smile that was all too fake. “Who said it was weird?”
But I wasn’t convinced. “Mum—”
“All right, all right. It was weird,” she finally admitted. “It felt weird. But I’ll deal with it. Just give me more time, okay? I just need baby steps, you know. It just needs some getting used to.”
Katie walked into the kitchen to see what the commotion was all about.
“I know,” I said, rising to my toes and giving my mother a cheek-kiss. “I love you, Mum.”
“I love you, too, dear,” she said, now smiling genuinely.
“I’m sorry about that, Jenna,” Naomi spoke with her fingers mindlessly fidgeting with the belt of her robe, looking all guilty. “I’m really sorry you had to—”
Mum waved a dismissive hand at the blonde. “Don’t be silly, Naomi. I don’t see any problem with it.” Then she looked at Dad. “Do you see any problem with it, Rob hun?”
“None. Nothing at all,” Dad answered quickly, wiping the coffee stain off his grey Rob Fitch Fitness T-shirt with shaking fingers. “I’ll – uh – I’ll go make some Fitch salad.” He stood up and moved to the fridge.
Jenna flashed us a bright smile. “See? All is good in this house,” she said, wiping her hands on her apron. “Now, take your seats, the two of you. Sweet ham and salad will be served in a bit.”
I smiled, as I hoisted myself on the stool at the kitchen island. In spite of my horrible premonitions, I felt a glow of happiness watching my mother putter around in the kitchen. Mum sounded so sincere and she was actually willing to deal with it finally.
Naomi pulled a stool next to me and sat, smirking. “Your debriefing skills were electrifying, you know.”
I half-shrugged. “Can’t say I didn’t try.” And Naomi put her hand on my back, caressing it up and down, as she nibbled on her carrot.
After a minute of studying the expressions on everyone’s faces inside the room, Katie rolled her eyes. “Told you to keep it in your pants, stupid,” she said to me and my girlfriend. “Caught you red-handed, didn’t she?”
Naomi bit her lip then nodded sheepishly.
“Gosh, you two are such pussy sluts,” Katie jokingly snarled with a teasing smirk.
Mum walked to the oven and took out a pan. “You girls want some muffins?”
Katie snorted in laughter, then grinned at Mum. “I bet these two have had enough of those, Mum,” she said, clapping our backs. “They’ve had enough.”
“Hi, Mum! Hey, Naomes!” I called out as I entered the kitchen. “You look nice,” I told Mum, sizing up her black evening dress and heeled shoes. “Are you going out somewhere?”
“Thank you,” Mum said as she placed her lipstick into her purse and snapped it closed. “Your dad promised to take me somewhere special tonight.”
“Special, huh? Should be proper nice.”
Naomi turned away from the refrigerator and smiled. “Hey, Em. How was your shift?”
I groaned and hoisted myself up on a stool at the kitchen island. “Hellish. We’re always mobbed on Friday night.”
“Aww, my poor baby,” Naomi cooed. “Someone’s out to prove she can do hard labour, eh?” Her brows were raised and her eyes twinkled with humour.
“Actually, it’s not just that,” I told the blonde. “Take a look.” I held up my right hand and wiggled my first two fingers. “Blisters—See, babe? I do get blisters, too. From twisting the steamer knob on the cappuccino machine for two hours straight. Sort of blows your theory about me, huh?”
Mum looked at the two of us, genuinely clueless. “What is this all about?”
Naomi smiled. “Long story, Jenna. But let’s just be proud of Emily here.”
“Plus the fucking espresso machine sprayed all over me,” I went on, grimacing, “so I reek of coffee.” I eased one foot out of my sandal and massaged my arches. “I swear, I’m getting too old for this.”
“Aww, my poor baby,” Naomi cooed. “Someone’s out to prove she can do hard labour, eh?” Her brows were raised and her eyes twinkled with humour.
“Actually, it’s not just that,” I told the blonde. “Take a look.” I held up my right hand and wiggled my first two fingers. “Blisters—See, babe? I do get blisters, too. From twisting the steamer knob on the cappuccino machine for two hours straight. Sort of blows your theory about me, huh?”
Mum looked at the two of us, genuinely clueless. “What is this all about?”
Naomi smiled. “Long story, Jenna. But let’s just be proud of Emily here.”
“Plus the fucking espresso machine sprayed all over me,” I went on, grimacing, “so I reek of coffee.” I eased one foot out of my sandal and massaged my arches. “I swear, I’m getting too old for this.”
Mum laughed loudly. “Never ever say that around a graying old woman,” she said.
“You’re not graying,” Naomi protested.
“Thanks to Clairol,” Mum answered, pulling her fingers through her hair with a flourish. “And to you, Naomi. Good thing, Naomi was there to choose the perfect hair colour. I was tempted to dye my hair aqua blue.”
“She was seriously considering it. I had to give her the usual PROs and CONs. I told her that blue-haired Jenna would definitely turn heads but . . . but,” Naomi emphasised, “the reaction you’d see on people’s faces would be similar to that of seeing Amy Winehouse wearing a giant baby diaper.”
Mum laughed again. “That actually did the trick.” Then she planted a kiss on top of my head. “I’ll see you later, sweetie. Bye, Naomi.”
“Have fun, Jenna,” Naomi said, as my mother hurried toward the kitchen doorway. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“Don’t count on it!” Mum called.
Naomi cringed and looked at me. “Oh, God. I guess no one’s too old for hot dates, huh?”
“Enough said,” I answered. “Anyway, did you miss me?”
Naomi giggled and dropped a soft kiss on my lips. “You have no idea, babe,” she said. “I made some cream of potato especially for you.” She placed a small bowl of soup in front of me and handed me a spoon.
“Mmm.” I took a spoonful of soup. “So you and my mum,” I began, hugging her close with my free arm, “what’s that girlie bonding trip all about?”
“We had a nice visit to the salon and let’s just say your mum completely fell for the Campbell Force.”
“You know, I really wish you’d just stay here with me and make me pancakes every morning and cream of potato every night . . .”
“You mean, like your servant?”
I let out a soft chuckle. “Something like that.”
“What do I get in return?”
“Well, you know . . . some of my sweet-talkin’ and sneakiness,” I said silkily, my hand snaking under her shirt as I brushed my lips against her neck. I then pressed a light kiss on her lips but it wasn’t enough for the blonde so she leant over for a longer one.
“That offer seems . . . tempting,” she murmured against my lips. “I wouldn’t say—Oh!”
“Woof!” Oz came thumping his paws on my foot.
“I guess Oz is a jealous dog,” I said. “He doesn’t want me touching you.”
Naomi squatted and cuddled the Westie. “Do you love me, Ozzy?”
Naomi giggled, stroking the dog’s head. Then she glanced up at me. “If Oz had red fur, I could easily replace you with him, you know.”
That clinched it for me. Anything that could elicit a giggle from Naomi was okay by me. I gave Oz a piece of Garibaldi biscuit and held one up for Naomi. She took a quick bite. Oz growled.
Giggling, Naomi stood up and leant against me, partially sitting on my lap. “He has possessiveness issues.”
I faked a cough. “And you’re to talk.” I laughed at her scowling face then gently kissed her on the lips. Her glower faded instantly.
“Hi, Naomi.” James was standing in the kitchen doorway, eyeing the blonde.
Naomi only ignored him.
“Naomi, I have to tell you something,” said the boy.
“Can that wait?”
Then James took a cantaloupe from the fruits basket and balanced it on his head like a total froot loop. Then he raised his foot, bending his knee, and stretched his arms to his sides, looking more bloody laughable if this was even possible.
“Naomi, Naomi, look what I can do!” he exclaimed, like a kid trying to impress his mum. I was cracking up so loud yet the blonde remained uninterested.
“That’s really great, James. Keep it up,” Naomi said tonelessly, not even looking at him.
James walked toward us and poked the blonde’s arm. “Naomi?”
With a long-suffering sigh, “Yes, James?”
“It’s—uh . . .” He hesitated, his eyes sliding over to me. He bent over and whispered something into Naomi’s ear.
Naomi drew back, scowling. “What?”
“I think I might be in love with you,” he declared now with an earnest face.
I swallowed a laugh. Naomi shot me a stern look.
“What? It’s cute,” I said, in defence.
But James was not done. “Do you think a fourteen year old you and I could fall in love?”
Naomi only rolled her eyes.
“Do you have anything to declare, Naomi?” he asked. “Any hidden feelings or desire for me?”
She finally turned and stared at him hard. “James, I hate to break it to you but there’s nothing. Nothing, all right?” she emphasised. “Now will you go fuck off?”
James didn’t move. “Gordon MacPherson’s dad says when someone insists there’s nothing, there’s something.”
Naomi turned toward me. “Is your brother on drugs?” she asked, her irritation rising. I only chuckled at her pissed off face.
“Gordon MacPherson says my facial features are closer to that of Emily than Katie’s,” James went on. “So perhaps you might find me attractive too?”
“Perhaps,” Naomi answered flatly.
His eyes lit up. “Emily might have tits and a fanny but I give better back rubs, you know. I could give you one now if you like.”
Without even waiting for Naomi’s response, James moved and started massaging her shoulders, making the blonde jerk on my lap, turn around, and glare at him.
Naomi fixed her eyes on him. “Listen, James, I’m going to level with you. I don’t want anything from you, okay?” she said, noticeably trying to control her distaste as much as she could. “Fucking touch me again and I’ll taekwondo kick you.”
James looked insulted. “How can you resist me? I’m oh so fit.”
With a groan of exasperation Naomi wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face in my chest. “Ems,” she begged, closing her eyes, “fucking save me from this nightmare, please. Please.”
“I really like Jenna,” Naomi announced as she slid into the passenger seat of my car. Katie, Cassie and I picked her up from Dad’s new gym where she spent all afternoon hanging out with Mum, Shelley, and Rebecca. We were headed for the GSA fund-raising party in a club just behind Temple Meads station. “She seems so . . . not fake.”
“Could you open that door again and slam it a little more loudly?” Katie complained from the backseat as Cassie snickered. Naomi turned around and stuck out her tongue at my sister.
“You do?” I asked as I shifted gears. “What happened back there?”
“I taught her some yoga I learned from Mum and Aunt G. We had an absolute ball. And I’m not being sarcastic.”
The three of us shot Naomi an odd look before we burst into laughter.
But Naomi was unshakable. “What?” she said in defence. “She’s really nice. I like her.”
“I think she spiked some fucking love potion into your drink or something,” Cassie said. “No one says that about Jenna. I repeat: no one.”
“True,” Katie and I agreed.
Naomi only half-shrugged, held on to my arm and leant her head on my shoulder as I drove.
“Emz, you have a lot of crap in your backseat,” Katie said. Naomi looked back and saw my sister pushing a jacket and a pile of papers to the side. “What is all this stuff?” my twin asked.
I looked in the rearview mirror. “Just a bunch of paperwork from Hamada U. My housing assignment and stuff like that.”
Katie held up a red card. “Is this where you’re living? Fukuda International House?”
“Yea, I guess,” I said. “I’m supposed to sign a bunch of forms and put down a deposit.”
I suddenly felt Naomi’s good mood wane. She reached into the backseat. “Let me see.” Katie handed her the card.
Gingerly Naomi fingered the red three-by-five card imprinted in elegant letters with Hamada University Housing Assignment Services.
“So is that, like, the party dorm, Ems?” Cassie asked.
“Nobody at Hamada U parties, Cass,” I said. “They all just wear fancy clothes and do charity events.”
“Liar. You’re going to leave me for some incredibly cute Japanese coed you meet at a school club party,” Naomi said in a plaintive voice that came out sounding a little less joking than she’d intended.
“Aw, don’t even say that, Naomes,” I said, reaching for her hand and placing it on my thigh.
“Emily’s so whipped, she could take a class with a supermodel and not concentrate on anything but her fucking notes,” Cassie said with good-natured disgust.
“She’s got a point, babe,” I said.
“I just can’t believe you’re going that’s all,” Naomi said with a sigh. “I mean, not that it’s such a bad thing because you’d be less far away from me but just, you know, I’m only worried. It’s like this another whole new chapter for you.”
I rubbed the back of Naomi’s hand reassuringly with my thumb. “Naomi, I survived a school year in Kyoto by myself. You were able to do it, too. What are you so worried about?”
“I know, I know.” She bit her lip. “Forget I said anything.” There was a pause in the conversation. I met Cassie’s eyes in the mirror and we exchanged a here goes drama again look.
“So, Emz, are you stuck with a roommate?” Katie asked.
“I think so,” I answered. I noticed Naomi looking away and tuning out as we discussed the many possible ways a randomly assigned roommate could manifest psychosis.
“It’s an all girls dorm, right?” Cassie asked.
“Yep,” I said, laying my hand on top of Naomi’s and giving it a gentle squeeze.
“So are you, like, all foreign students there?” Katie asked. “Given that it’s an international house . . .”
“Nope,” I answered. “They said some will be rooming with Japanese students as well.”
“Lovely,” I heard Naomi mutter.
“Naomi?” I turned to the blonde with a searching look when we’d slowed to a stop at the intersection. “What’s the matter, baby?” I asked softly, jiggling her hand then linking our fingers.
Naomi’s voice was flat. “Giggling girls probably scampered down the hallways of Fukuda House clad in towels. No doubt they’d be knocking on your door at all hours.” She then looked at me sideways. “Sounds lovely, eh?”
I lifted our intertwined hands to my mouth and kissed hers. “You’re being irrational again, babe.”
“Oh, Chrissakes, stop. Stop it,” Katie interrupted, making a face. “Being with you two is like watching a fucking telenovela. Will you just fucking kiss and make up?”
I tore my eyes off the road for a moment to look at Naomi. Our dancing eyes met.
Without delay, I steered the car to the shoulder lane and abruptly braked. Katie’s eyes instantly bulged in alarm. Cassie held on to a head rest and only looked at us expectantly.
Instinctively Naomi and I lunged at each other for a burning kiss with our hands clutching each other’s hair hungrily. Katie stared at us with a priceless scowling face. The blonde and I secretly rejoiced in it.
“You asked for it, Katiekins,” Naomi teased against my mouth, with a little giggle. We kissed some more.
“Urgh. Kill me now.” Katie covered her eyes with her hands and groaned into it as Cassie shook with laughter. “Fucking kill me now.”
“Oh, okay, go on. Just pretend we’re not here,” Katie said. “Oh, God. I’m gonna be sick again just watching the two of you.”
Brooke laughed. “Let them be, Katie.”
I was enjoying the intimacy of walking hand in hand with Naomi along the quayside of Bristol Harbourside that cold December afternoon. Katie was trotting behind us with Brooke, clearly annoyed by the fact that she was the fourth-wheel for the day.
“Fuck’s sakes. C’mon, Brooke, let’s get some hotdogs,” she muttered, tugging Brooke’s hand. They disappeared right away.
Naomi and I bought drinks from a refreshment stand then settled on a nearby bench overlooking the calm water surrounding the harbour.
A smirk tugged a corner of my mouth as I recalled the crazy things that happened during the GSA party yesterday. “Last night was pretty eventful, I must say,” I said, taking a sip of my soda.
Naomi rubbed her temples. “Oh, Jesus, I still have a banging hangover,” she groaned. Then she turned to me, her brow furrowed. “How come you don’t feel as shitty?”
“Well, I’m not the one who had several girls buying me cocktails all night.” I cocked a teasing eye at her.
She smirked smugly then slung her arm around my shoulders. “What can I say? The Campbell Force is foolproof.”
I chuckled then shook my head in disbelief. “Yea, even my ex-girlfriend wasn’t able to resist your charm,” I said, snorting. “Fucking hell. How ironic—my ex-girlfriend hitting on my girlfriend.”
Naomi let out a short laugh. “Yea, that was incredibly awkward.” Then she narrowed her eyes at me. “I thought you’re into voluptuous blondes, Ems? That Taylor Clairmont is no blondie. Neither is Brooke.”
“Maybe that’s what sets you apart, babe,” I said. “And excuse me, I never had any interest in Brooke. We went out once.”
She drew me closer to her then nuzzled my ear with her nose. “And I can’t believe Emily Fitch punched someone,” she said, giggling softly. She took my right hand and kissed my knuckles. “Still swollen?”
I felt butterflies flutter in my tummy when her soft lips touched my skin, but fought to keep a grim face. “I just taught that fucking tosser a lesson,” I said. “He shouldn’t be rubbing his hands on my girl. It was a little lame though,” I said with a sigh. “I think I did more hurt to myself than to that stupid cunt of a bastard.” I studied my throbbing hand.
“Lame? Babe, that scene was right up there in the legendary category. You’ll have to teach me how to jab like that.”
“I’d rather,” I said frankly, “just avoid situations like that one.”
“Aw, my Emily’s the world’s biggest chicken,” Naomi cooed, pinching my nose. “But thanks for the rescue, babe.”
I lowered my gaze to the ground and smiled to myself. Oh, Naomi, I wanted to tell her, I’d do just about anything to protect you. I lifted my head again and slid my eyes to her. “Legendary, huh?”
“Yep. I totally didn’t see that one coming.”
“More legendary than your ladylike slap?”
“More than,” the blonde said with confidence. Then she regarded me with a serious face. “You know, you maybe more heroic than you give yourself credit for, Ems.”
I couldn’t help but be touched. “That was the most flattering thing I’ve ever heard.” I smiled at her.
She smiled back and gave my arm a gentle squeeze. “It’s the truth.”
I finished my soda and munched on left-over ice. Music spilled from hidden speakers, mingling with the roaring sounds of boat engines around the old dockland.
Naomi drew me closer and talked into my hair. “I love it here. I have to admit that I’m sick of seeing water, but I love being here. I like the food and the noise and the people. I want to stay late so I can see the lights go on. Can we do that?”
“We can stay here as long as you want.”
We sat cuddled together for a while under the twilit sky, merely watching the stillness of the River Avon, the old buildings, and the pigeons flocking in front of us.
I lifted my head to look at Naomi. “I’m happy you love it here, Naomes,” I said softly.
She gazed down at me and gently brushed the hair off my face. “Maybe I’d love any place as long as I’m with you.”
Naomi held my gaze. I sucked in a breath. Never in my life had I been captivated by a pair of eyes. Their blue colour, the vulnerability they hide. It became tantamount to my well-being to know all the secrets those bewitching eyes harboured. I stared into them now and saw myself reflected in their depths. I longed to be there in actuality, inside her head, knowing what she was thinking.
Something about her eyes set alarms off in my mind. “What is it, Naomi?” I asked quietly.
For another second Naomi stayed looking at me, then looked away, then looked sideways back at me again.
My curiosity increased. I drew back and stared at her. “What is it?” I repeated.
“It’s kinda embarrassing,” she mumbled at length. “And corny. You'll just laugh at me.”
“C’mon,” was all I said but that seemed to have worked.
Naomi pressed her lips with a tentative look. “I’m just—I’m just gonna . . .” she trailed off then took out her phone from the pocket of her jacket. I just looked at her expectantly. Biting her lip, she typed something into it.
A few seconds after, my phone buzzed. I took it out then glanced over at the blonde again. She raised her brows, gesturing for me to check it. With a tiny smirk of wonder, I flipped my phone open and read the text message:
I just looked at the message on my phone screen for a long, silent moment. Moisture brimmed in my eyes at her touching declaration.
I looked up at her again and Naomi instantly cupped my cheek, lowered her head and took my mouth, suddenly yet very tenderly.
My life was full to overflowing. My life had begun the day I saw Naomi Campbell standing with a cute umbrella across the street. Or rather, the day I met her at the basement of the dormitory. The dismal time in between had almost been erased from my memory.
Now, as she held me, all the love I had for her went into my ardent caress, my sweet kisses.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, not again!” Katie’s loud voice made us disengage. “Give me the barf bag, Brooke.”
I stood at the grill on a chilly night, ready to make my New Year's Eve contribution to air pollution. I struck a match and adjusted the gas jets. I watched as the lava rocks heat. At the appropriate moment I deposited the hamburger patties on the grill and stepped back. There was a giant whoosh of flame, the hamburger patties were instantly incinerated into ash, and the fire returned to normal intensity.
James made a disgusted noise, Katie shook her head in disbelief, and Naomi stepped forward to get a closer look at the hamburger cinders.
“I haven’t seen you cook an edible hamburger yet on this thing,” Naomi said. “If I were you, hun, I would have given up a while ago.”
I took the spatula with the extralong redwood handle and stared fiercely at it for a moment.
Suddenly, Naomi snatched it from my hand and threw it into our neighbour’s backyard. Then she turned to me. “Feel better?”
I nodded and smiled. “Yep, thanks,” I said, still a little surprised by what she just did. “I’ll just help Dad with the salad.” I dropped a quick kiss on her lips before making my way into the house.
When I entered the kitchen, Dad was already at the island working on his specialty. I moved to him and helped out right away, picking up the peeled carrots and cutting them lengthwise into thick bits.
Dad dumped some tomatoes onto a bowl. “I’ve never seen you so happy, Emily.”
I picked up a big carrot slice, took a bite and coolly mumbled, “Really.”
He started to slice an avocado. “Yep. I mean, you wake up each morning always with a big grin on your face and your hair’s looking like there’s some sort of a mini wrestling match going on there.”
I felt the sudden flush of heat on my cheeks. “Yea, well, recently I’ve been having really good sleeps.”
Dad cocked a teasing eye at me. “Even with the lack of decent sleeping hours, sweetheart?” he asked. “We can hear you, you know. Still giggling until five in the morning.”
I took another nervous bite of the carrot. “Yea, well, Naomi’s quite the comedienne.”
But Dad wasn’t done with the teasing. “And Naomi seems to be just as glowing. I mean, perhaps she’s really—”
I dropped the rest of my carrot down on the chopping board, cocked my head to the side, then folded my arms. “Okay, Dad, what do you want to hear?”
Dad stopped slicing and turned to me. “I just want to know if you look at Naomi like pierced ears.”
“Pierced ears?” I repeated blankly.
“Like permanent,” Dad filled in lightly. “And permanent is a long time.”
James’s head suddenly popped into an open kitchen window in front of me. “Gordon MacPherson’s sister had pierced ears and they grew over. She never used to putting earrings in, and the ears grew back together,” he said. “Everyone told her it was gonna fucking happen, but she wouldn’t listen. Stupid cow.”
Through the glass window, I glanced over at Naomi who was having a light chat with Mum. She looked right at me, and we shared a private smile with our eyes only. I felt my heartbeat speed up.
I turned back to Dad and gave him a lopsided smile. “I don’t see myself with anyone else, Dad,” I finally answered. “So Naomi must be like pierced ears, I suppose. Or a tattoo. I think a tattoo’s more permanent, yea?”
Dad smiled and put a tender hand on my shoulder. “I’m just happy that you’re happy in love, Emily.”
I gave him a hug. “Thanks, Dad.”
After we were done with the Fitch salad and the bloody awkward conversation, Dad and I made our way back to the backyard.
I saw James showing off his taekwondo moves to a rather unimpressed Naomi who was just sitting on a bench, gulping from her can of beer.
As my brother lifted his right leg for a high kick, I took that opportunity to kick his left calf, making him land on his butt. “Thanks for entertaining my girlfriend, Chuck Norris, but I’ve got it from here,” I said, smirking down at him.
Naomi was shaking with laughter when I took a seat next to her on the bench. “Well, that one worked,” she said, looking down at a groaning James who was still on the grass stroking his butt.
Staring at my triumphant face, Naomi placed her arm around my shoulders and hugged me close. “You know, Aunt G says,” she began but I cut her off.
“Okay, you’re totally sounding like my brother.”
She laughed. “Aunt G says,” she tried again, “the people you celebrate the New Year with tend to be the same people you spend the rest of the year with.”
For some bizarre reason, both our gazes flew to Katie and James. Katie was grabbing James by the ear asking the boy where he hid her pink polka-dotted bra.
“Oh, God, no,” we both groaned. Then we laughed together.
For a while Naomi and I feasted on Fitch salad, merely watching the rest of the Fitches light some sparklers up.
I leant back on the bench and sighed. “I’m holding my breath for the third act.”
Naomi looked at me with creased brows. “Third act?”
“What’s next for us,” I filled in, looking up at her. Then our gazes locked.
The blonde gently lifted my chin with her finger. “I don’t know what’s gonna happen next, Emily,” she said, as her other hand came up to stroke my hair. “But all I know is that it’s going to be perfect.”
“Five! . . . Four! . . .” Everyone around us shouted. “Three! . . . Two! . . . One! . . . Happy New Year!”
Naomi then cupped my jaw and I lifted my head for the glory of her deep, plundering kiss. As ever, it robbed me of breath, of reason. The cords of my body began to vibrate at the sweetness of it all. I closed my lips around her tongue as it roamed my mouth, tasting me, gathering my essence and making it hers.
We kissed as the other odd Fitches toasted under the fireworks. Around us, everyone was jumping up and down, screaming with glee, kissing and hugging one another. Katie blasted vintage “The Time of My Life” through the sound system, and the backyard party went into joyous overdrive.
Shakily, breathlessly, Naomi freed my mouth. “Say something.”
I’d always thought actions spoke louder than words. But I settled for one thing I knew was true.
“I will love you forever and ever.”
“I will love you forever and ever.”
“And ever and ever,” Naomi chimed in, “and ever and ever and . . .”
The rest of her words was silenced by our sizzling kiss.
I didn’t remember it ever raining this hard in April. The thunder had echoed through the hallways and bounced off the walls of the swanky Fukuda International House.
I tapped the shiny, gold envelope with my name embossed at the back in a bold, elegant, loopy font against my fingers thoughtfully. I lifted the flap and pulled out the invitation once more. I stared at it.
And as had happened every time since I’d first seen it, a smile curled my lips. It was just so nice to know that JJ had found true love and bliss in the arms of Lara and that they will be spending the rest of their lives together. It was their happy ending, I thought, with a smile. The perfect happy ending. I couldn’t be happier for them.
Oz suddenly bounded from his cage, tongue flapping happily in his smiling mouth, tail wagging, feet churning on the polished cherry floor.
“Whoa, boy!” I called to the Westie, sensing disaster. “Stop! Stop!”
He burst toward me. I half turned. “No. Stop! Slow down. I’ve got—”
The puppy leapt. Paws knocked the load from my arms. My purse slid down my arm, slapped against Oz’s face, dropped to the floor, and spilled its contents on the polished floor. Oz jumped again, and this time I sighed, patted his silky head, then embraced him for all I was worth until his frenzied licking tongue washed half my face.
“Ugh.” I pushed him away, but he barked in excitement and eagerness and jumped up on me again. “You tosser,” I said fondly, scratching his ears. Leaning his tiny head against me, he gazed up at me with solemn loyalty. “Oh, sure, you fickle male. If Naomi were here, you wouldn’t even know I exist. Now get down,” I added, giving his head a slight push so that he dropped to his toes, his nails clicking softly as he nosed through the mess of my belongings.
The silver necklace with the heart pendant lay scattered on the floor, its brilliance dulled a bit in the grey light streaming through the solarium windows from the overcast skies beyond. Picking up the necklace, I slid its silver chain over my fingers. I need my girlfriend, I thought. I need her now. A tear slid down my cheek.
“Let’s put it on then,” Naomi said. Her fingers had lingered against my skin. I remembered their electric touch and the breath-stopping moment when she’d presented me with such a lovely commitment-signifying gift. And her giggles. Oh, God, her giggles . . . made that instant ten times sweeter.
I shook myself back to the moment. After clasping the necklace around my neck, I bent down. With jerky motions, I gathered up all my spilled belongings, shoving them back into the purse. Another indefinite number of months of being Naomi Campbell-less.
“How fucking depressing,” I said as I stood in the middle of the room, alluding to my thoughts rather than the beautiful appointments of my dorm room. The faintest peach colour covered the walls and was complemented by various shades of taupe and cream in the lush downy comforter and flowered valance. I glanced at the empty bed on the other side of the room and just crossed my fingers that my would-be roommate would not be some sort of psychotic bitch.
Grabbing up a box of books from the floor, I walked toward the study desk and dropped the box on top of it. I took one thick book—a five-volume collection of Buddhist parables written by a Japanese monk—and headed to my bed. I collapsed on it and started reading.
My mobile phone rang. “Oz can answer it,” I muttered, closing my eyes and thrusting all my worries aside for a moment.
My phone rang a second time. I slammed the book closed and took my phone from the beside table.
It was Naomi on the line. “Okay, Miss Fitch. Tell me about your roomie. Is she tall, hot, blonde, bossy? Does she have killer legs? Does she—?”
It was Naomi on the line. “Okay, Miss Fitch. Tell me about your roomie. Is she tall, hot, blonde, bossy? Does she have killer legs? Does she—?”
“Tell you what, babe,” I interrupted. “If my roommate proposes to me tonight, I won’t marry her. How’s that?”
She let out a laugh. “Good.” Then her tone became serious again. “You better not be staring at her longer than three seconds at first sight.”
“I bet I won’t be,” I said. “Well, all I know is she’s taking graduate studies so I’m imagining an older squirrel-faced lady with thick eyeglasses and rather revolting argyle sweater. Should be interesting.”
Naomi laughed. “Yea, should be. Birds of the same feather . . .”
“Hey!” I said indignantly. “I know I’m a nerd but not The Big Bang Theory nerdy,” I said, sending Naomi into new fits of laughter. “Anyway, babe, why the sudden call?”
“I just wanted you to know I was checking up on you just so I could hear your voice,” she said sweetly. “It’s the next best thing to being with you.”
The flutter of pleasure made me smile as I eased back against the pillows. “Aww, babe, that’s so . . . abnormally mushy. I love it.”
Naomi laughed again. “Anyway, did you get JJ’s wedding unofficial invitation already?”
“Yep,” I said. “Everything about it sounds extravagant.”
“Outrageously extravagant,” Naomi agreed. “Actually I just had lunch with him a couple of days ago and he revealed to me the details of the wedding. It will be on a beach, enormous white statues welcoming you as if your personal worth is upward one hundred fucking million, set back from the Tasman Sea with lawns enough to play football, the main building is a huge arch shape with eight illuminated antique streetlights on either side, flowing fountains of champagne, a live orchestra—you get the picture, right?”
“Wow. It all feels like a fairytale wedding.”
“It is a fairytale wedding. So, we all know it’s not until 2013 but have you RSVP’d already?” Then Naomi made a disgusted sound. “Oh, Jeez, I just sounded so aristocratic.”
“Not yet. I’ll try to call his P.A. later.” I let out a snort of amusement. “But we don’t have to, right? I mean, given that we’re included in the entourage. And, oh, Katie’s already so fixated in getting the slinkiest, if not the sluttiest, dress. And I think Karen will be a stiff competition.”
“I’m sure those bridesmaids will set the event on fire.”
“I just hope not literally ’cos I’m pretty sure there’ll be oil torches all over the venue,” I said, making Naomi laugh.
“Must be, what? 2:30 in the afternoon there?” she said, and I kept my eyes closed and smiled at the sweet tone of her voice. “You must be getting ready for a wild dorm party or something later.”
“Nope. Today is solely preserved for arranging my new room and bonding time with my roommate.” I heard some sound of gushing water in the background. “Naomi?” I pushed myself up in the bed. “Where are you?”
“Enjoying the waves of Bondi Beach here in Sydney. Did you have ice cream today?”
“Ice cream?”
“The sun’s a bitch here, especially about ten in the morning. That’s when I started having fantasies about ice cream and a redhead—Agh!” There was a sound of water splashing. “Jesus Christ.”
“Naomi,” I said slowly. “Are you all right?”
“Stepped on a fucking puddle of water. And I’m a li’l pissy right now. I spent hours like I’m in a bloody oven. The heat sucks, the fucking flies are worse . . . I don’t want to think about the flies.”
“I’d take the sun right about now. It’s just bloody clammy here in Kyoto. It’s been raining all day—Oh, God!” In startled reaction, I crushed the heavy book to my chest as another clap of thunder shook my windows. Then I realised that the pounding noise wasn’t the result of thunder alone. Someone was knocking on my door.
“Ems, is everything okay there?” asked Naomi.
“Yep,” I said, climbing off the bed. “I think she’s here . . .”
“My roommate,” I said, moving to the door. “She’s at the door now.”
Finally, I thought. I slid back the bolt, turned the brass knob, and drew open the door. Two bags were tossed through the opening, barely missing my feet. I scrambled aside as my bare feet were splattered with cold raindrops when the bags thumped to the floor. One was brown leather, the other navy canvas. A thick folder with Hamada University Graduate School of International Relations printed on the cover slipped out of the canvas bag.
The girl burst into the room seconds after her luggage, turned, and closed the door behind her. Her brown leather boots squished rainwater. It had plastered the olive green silk tank to her skin, making a mould of her perfect curves. Her khaki jodhpurs were soaked through, too, and clung to her long legs.
“She’s here and she’s—” The words died on my lips as I looked up at my roommate.
“Ems?” Naomi called. “One . . .”
I didn’t speak. I couldn’t speak. My mouth dropped open slightly as Oz barked and waggled his tail in a frenzy.
“. . . Two . . . Are you still staring at her?”
A few heartbeats passed by before a hum escaped my mouth. “Uhm-hmm.” The only other sound in the room was that of the drops of rain that dripped off the girl and fell onto the floor.
“. . . Three . . . Emily!”
The girl was staring back at me with an amused smirk as my puppy licked her boot.
“Babe?” Naomi called. “You all right?”
I let out a quick breath. “I’m absolutely fine, Naomes. I just wanted to say . . .” I hesitated. “. . . that I missed you so much. And I . . . I love you.”
Naomi let out a giggle. “Okay. You must have met a weird roommate, eh?”
I tore my eyes away from the girl and directed them to the floor, where a puddle was forming around the girl’s boots. I chuckled to myself. Unbelievable, I thought. Just unbelievable.
I chuckled, now audibly. “What do you mean, I must have met a weird roommate?”
I lifted my head to the girl in the doorway again. She grinned at me. I grinned back.
“Well, then, aren’t you gonna welcome her?” Naomi asked. “Is she a squirrel-faced weirdo wearing an argyle sweater?”
I shook my head. “Nope. Not at all. She’s cool.” I winked at the girl. “As a matter of fact, I think she’s perfect. She’s good-looking, sweet, nice, and has a way of showing up when you need her. And I met her before.”
“You met her before?” Naomi asked.
“Yep,” I said. “I met her halfway.” I flipped my phone closed then chucked it onto my bed. I looked up again and our eyes met. She smiled so beautifully.
I returned her smile, cocked my head to the side, then folded my arms. “What are you doing in these parts, Miss Naomi Campbell?”
“Looking for a romamtic redhead,” the blonde in the doorway said, finally flipping her phone closed and shoving it into the pocket of her pants. “A little over five feet, sweet-smelling hair, chocolate brown eyes, wearing a bright blue cardigan and a cute mini-skirt. About twenty years old, very attractive, useless limbs, answers to ‘Ranga,’ my halfway valentine. There’s a reward.”
“What is it?”
She took a step closer to me. “Oh, a plate of pancakes every morning from this moment on. Boxes of mint chocolates and an awful amount of corny lines. Me. The best roomie one could ever have.”
With a small smile lifting one corner of my mouth, I shook my head in disbelief. “You’re so sneaky.”
“Sneaky but noble.” Naomi stretched out her hand which I happily clasped, and pulled me to her. “Just one of my likable characteristics, you know.” She wrapped her arms around my waist.
I pushed my fingers up through her wet blond hair, clutched her head and gazed at her, cherishing the fact that she was mine. And she would be forever. “Is it even possible for me to love you even more than I do now?”
“I don’t know, babe,” she murmured. “But you should get me out of these wet clothes soon before I catch a cold.” Her blue eyes were enough to rattle my world. “And I really mean soon, Emily. Soon.”
Girl meets girl halfway.
Girl loses girl halfway.
Girl lives sappily ever after with girl halfway.
The third act, I suddenly realised. The perfect third act.