A Trip Down Memory Lane:
Halfway Valentine Schveet Reviews

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Every sentence you write is just A.MA.ZING! If there is a N/E Battle of the Fics, I would definitely nominate this one. And this would win! It's so real, so true. I feel like I've been to Japan with my friends Naomi and Emily and I'm ready to hear more about their blossoming love. Even with just this one shots! Whoever you are behind this story, you are really unbelievably gifted. Can't wait to read more of your magic. And I would totally shiver when I hear Naomi say, "Hug me." Here you are...OOOOOOOO and even a big kiss X. P.S. Do you design your own blog? I love to learn and make my own too. Were the images created using photoshop? Very cute photos and lovely banner. - Bo, on Halfway Valentine | Special 6: "Haven"
How? How do you do that? How do you make me feel soo much!? You and your words relentlessly claw at my emotions like no other story has done to me. Again, as per tradition, I read this story at an ungodly hour:P (around 3am) but couldn't find the strength after the massive cry-fest I had whilst reading this, to comment on it, so I thought I would do it now:) First of all I LOVE LOVE LOVE you for using Sia's music...it set the mood perfectly and really added to the pain emily was feeling. Also I'm from Australia so the fact that Sia also is Australian may have added to it:P lol hat can I say? I'm a proud aussie:D Secondly, EVERYTHING you wrote was utter perfection! uggghhh I wish I had the ability to use words like you so that I could convey just how much this story gets to me! alas I can't so you'll have to realise that what I feel for this story goes deep BECAUSE of the fact that I can't explain it. When I'm at a loss for words, you know the feeling goes deep:) Obviously my - What'sInTheBox, on Halfway Valentine | Chapter XXII: The Third Act PART 1
You're too sweet, you know? What you just wrote has touched me deep inside. I feel so sad now to know that it is the end of this story and I'm going to have to get used to not turn on the computer and check your blog all the time, to know if you updated a new chapter. You are my hero, I'm going to explain why: You’ve woke up in me the desire to write my own story. You Inspired me to continue. You made me laugh, smile, cry, feel despair, anxiety, thinking about what might happen next with each chapter you published. And the most importantly, you made me feel like one character more in your story. Your story is perfect as is and doesn’t need to change anything. You're an amazing writer and I beg you to continue to do so. I hope you get lucky and start well this year.. With love from argentina, your faithful reader... Lovescott ♥ - Lovescott, on Halfway Valentine Characters: Fall Semester
the awesome thing that doesn't change about your writing is this dopey smile on my face that reading your updates bring. it's really embarrassing but i ain't kidding, sister. naomily are just too cute together. hot and intense and cute. their cuddling. their kisses. their teasing. their love and lust for each other. these little bits has got me seriously addicted and hopeful. - technogirl16, on Halfway Valentine | Special 5: "Little Light Up"
Dear IAmNotSam, Ciao! It's your new diehard fan again. So now I'm really convinced that you're some freak of a genius. Still totally totally in love with your work. It's one rare fic that allows readers to share a magical, epic experience/love story and feel it as their own. Yes, I had been THAT crazy. The photo you used made me think that "oh, this is going to be sexyyy" And I wasn't wrong! Call me Epstein btw. My friends enjoy calling me by my surname. I think it's annoying. But since I'd like you to feel intimate with me, I'm gonna let you call me the same way. Hope this is not too creepy. Though I'm sure I sounded creepy. Oh toheckwiddit! Love, Epstein - HVFan, on Halfway Valentine | Special 5: "Little Light Up"
hi ians. i'm sam, but don't fret 'cause i won't force you to eat legumes. period. i'm harmless and nice. and everything in between. figjam? bit yeah. ;D enough about me. seriously ians, you write stories remarkably. please don't ever stop. sometimes i think its crazy how moving your stories are. you have the prowess to stir gazillions of emotions in just a FEW minutes of reading.un-f'n-believable.;) i may have posted this half-heartedly 'cause this is so not my thing. i mean, i don't do comments or reviews or anything as such. and i don't know why.;) well, not until now. i'm going to suck it up 'cause you deserve it, ians. 3 operative words: You're. The. Best. ;) - sam, on Halfway Valentine | Special 4: "First Time"
Now you made me desire my very own Naomi Campbell too! Oh god, is there someone like her in this world? Or is she an endangered species already? Is there someone almost Naomi-like here? Please show yourself! I'd gladly marry you. If none I won't hesitate asking for IANS hand. We can always pretend you know. This is crazy! Crazy sweet! You're crazy, IANS. - talussah, on Halfway Valentine | Special 1: "Hideaway"
I will definitely miss Halfway Valentine. It's been one of my bookmarked sites and had been checking it almost every night for weeks. A great perfect beautiful love story I was very lucky to have discovered in a very surprising way. I was only a fan of Effy Stonem and not exactly the biggest supporter of NAOMILY (coz their story in Skins didn't really captivate me..I don't know maybe it's because the couple didn't stand out in a wonderful way that it should have...bad cheating, Emily sleeping with JJ, sleeping together but not really together..very painful to watch) but the way you wrote the two girls here made me believe in the pairing. I guess the Alternate Universe thing works for me (I had to google AU..Not the fanfic person here) huh? Now you made me love NAOMILY and every time I look at their pictures together I was reminded of how the girls met in Japan and fell in love and lived happily ever after in such a beautiful way and not what really happened to them in the actual Skins. - Kayte, on Halfway Valentine | Chapter XXII: The Third Act PART 2
This whole fic: Perfection. - Clayish, on Halfway Valentine | Chapter XXII: The Third Act PART 2
OMG IANS! God I wanted to cry every time Emily cried. It was so pitiful! I hope the person standing outside is you know who! OMG I can't wait! - starsdieout, on Halfway Valentine | Chapter XXII: The Third Act PART 1
Oh Jesus. I can't believe I haven't read this until now. Been a bit busy over the past month! Bit bummed I didn't check here earlier!!! But reading those last two updates together, heaven. Bit upset though, now that it's really over, seeing as I've followed this from the beginning. But, alas, it had to end some time, and you couldn't have ended it in any other/better way. - Lucy, on Halfway Valentine | Chapter XXII: The Third Act PART 2
IANS!!!!! I remember when i read the first chapter on FF.net, wow! that was a long time ago, i remember my first reaction when i "listened" Emily sing, Grrrr i remember the 1st time we met David, I remember the 1st Naomily kiss on HV, and i remember the 1st time you answered one of my comments. I'm so sad this is over, but happy because you gave us such great times. You're the best! We love you! As much as we love Naomily ;) Please keep writing, we're always gonna be here :D Gracias! - dourememberthat, on Halfway Valentine Characters: Fall Semester
You've mentioned that I have always get the characters the way you wrote them. I think we're on the same boat about the show, too. My favorite sections of Third Act 1 were the Jenna/Emily parts as you've written Jenna in the way that I think the Skins Jenna is, that she loves all her children equally but has different expectations for each one. Because Emily is the smart, nice, and polite one she was put in the perfect child category (you know the one--the child that gets bragged about by their parents to an embarrassing degree); that even a very slight imperfection to her character, her mother would see as a betrayal. The reconciliation between the mother and daughter is heartwarmingly beautiful. I also love that: Misaki and Emily remained friends; Naomi found a way to be romantic even from halfway across the world--nothing could be more sappy than a totally whipped Naomi Campbell; Emily keeping in contact with her HU friends. Furthermore, your original characters were great - Baaramewe, on Halfway Valentine | Chapter XXII: The Third Act PART 1
OH MY GOD! it was so touching!!!I dont know if to smile or to cry or both...I remember how I happened to find your story when it had already 10 chapters or so.And from that moment on I just couldn't stop reading(once I even took my laptop or better my H.V saved files to the glade.that was a pity I wasn't alone and at moments when I couldn't contain myself anymore and started laughing out loud, people were giving me sideways looks like this O.- and asking me. I just didn't give monkey's,I felt too involved to react) and with time i got kind of obsessed(I was boosting H.V whereever I could,like I always do with everything I truly like and can't go through a day without thinking of ).I was waiting for every chapter like for a desired episode of my favorite series with the exception that i didnt know when you would upload it so I was checkind for an update regularly twice a day,sometimes 17 times(but thats only at the moments of the major despair).And when you would actually post an on .... - Anonymous, on Halfway Valentine Characters: Fall Semester
Wanting Halfway Valentine is a hard habit to break. - alaina, on Halfway Valentine | Chapter XXII: The Third Act PART 2
OMG!!! I dont even have the words to tell you how amazing that was, was simply perfect i really loved it...i really am amazed by the whole final totally lovely...im sad tho i cant belive is done, but really thank you so much for having written that story!!! I know is a bit soon to ask but will you write something else later?...think i will sleep happy now...You Rock Xians!!xx - isawalls, on Halfway Valentine | Chapter XXII: The Third Act PART 2
oh wow i have to admit this has always been my favorite fan fiction when it was up in fanfiction.net but when u put the story up as a blog i was ECSTATIC! the way you had added pictures and music into the story was one of a kind. i had never experienced anything like it i was glad that you had continued to share your wonderfully written story to us. i consider myself to be one of the lucky ones to have had a chance to read your story. it sure is bittersweet reading your last chapter. knowing that it was the last but hopefully you could post up new stories (fingers crossed) oh btw thank you for the shout out :) your Naomily story had always put a smile on my face and i would love to give you wonderful reviews every chance i get because you are great and a real trooper :D thank you again for taking the time and posting this story i will never forget Halfway Valentine. and i thank you for that, with all my heart. - spikie1420003, on Halfway Valentine Characters: Fall Semester
sequel.... sequel ..... sequel ........ those who wants a sequel please raise your hand!!!!! ok i see about a gazillion hand :) - charae, on Halfway Valentine | Chapter XXII: The Third Act PART 2
Oh my god, I cant believe this story just ended. Like really ended. I'm crushed. Thanks for giving us all such a ride and indulging us with such sappy and fluffy chapters. And most of all making the characters yours. You've no idea how much I'm swooning over your Naomi now hehe. Writers of the Skins movie could do with a few tips from you :) Just so you know, this will go down as one of the most memorable fics of all time. Are you gonna have an Author's Note or something? Like are you gonna go on writing? Cheers! - jaxi, on Halfway Valentine | Chapter XXII: The Third Act PART 2
IAmSam24.3.11 on "Rapids"
yesss another update. well, not just an update mind you, this is so intense and powerful as i was deeply moved. way to go ians. btw, i think your little music corner is exceptionally good and useful, too. haha. you really know how to amuse and feed your aficionados. maybe you can setup a food corner too or perhaps a tequila-drinking booth, yeah? ;) i went totally gaga when "stranded" was mentioned in your update. the song's stuck in my head for the longest time. my friends are sick of me singing it,actually. ha. your taste in music is impressive,ians. i love you(the-peanut-butter-to-my-jelly yeah whatever), already.haha.
Mau24.3.11 on "Rapids"
Damn you IANS. Just when I thought it couldn’t get better. You go and prove me wrong. That was WOW (yes, I know my vocabulary needs work, I tend to say that word a lot). But what the hell else can I say? The whole conversation with the ‘Wise Old Man’ was eye-opening. And not just for Naomi. I think you opened mine as well...
“I understand, sweetheart. I really do,” he said softly. “You’re scared. Confused. You don’t trust your feelings because they’re unfamiliar. Maybe because she’s a girl? Or I don’t know exactly where you’re coming from, but perhaps you’ve been traumatised or something and you’re terrified of trying again. But, love, you will never be truly happy if you’d always submit to your fears.”
The old man laughed dryly to himself, then added soberly, “It’s so much easier when you were younger, eh?” He had that reflective smile on. “You get on your bicycle, pedal down the street. If you fall, you cry, get a little bruise, but after a short while you’re ready and keen to ride on your bike again. And you get to have the time of your life. But as you get older, you get more . . . cautious,” he said, and in spite of my best efforts, my lower lip trembled and my eyes started to water again. “Too scared to go astray, to make a wrong turn, and get hurt again after a fall. Not knowing that you’ve been missing out on something really, truly spectacular.”
That shit was deep man.
On another note, I thought the crossword puzzle bit was incredibly cute. Why can’t they be all easy like that? Hah, and this part...
I would be so much better . . . alone.
...made me want to break out into a song: ♪ ♫ Till now, I always got by on my own.. I never really cared until I met you. And now it chills me to the bone, how do I get you alooooone? ♫ ♪
I know it’s in a different context and all. But mehh..
And yesss, I love me some Hedley! As well as you IANS, I love me some you. And I think this chapter is now my fav. Haha, just sayin’..
“I understand, sweetheart. I really do,” he said softly. “You’re scared. Confused. You don’t trust your feelings because they’re unfamiliar. Maybe because she’s a girl? Or I don’t know exactly where you’re coming from, but perhaps you’ve been traumatised or something and you’re terrified of trying again. But, love, you will never be truly happy if you’d always submit to your fears.”
The old man laughed dryly to himself, then added soberly, “It’s so much easier when you were younger, eh?” He had that reflective smile on. “You get on your bicycle, pedal down the street. If you fall, you cry, get a little bruise, but after a short while you’re ready and keen to ride on your bike again. And you get to have the time of your life. But as you get older, you get more . . . cautious,” he said, and in spite of my best efforts, my lower lip trembled and my eyes started to water again. “Too scared to go astray, to make a wrong turn, and get hurt again after a fall. Not knowing that you’ve been missing out on something really, truly spectacular.”
That shit was deep man.
On another note, I thought the crossword puzzle bit was incredibly cute. Why can’t they be all easy like that? Hah, and this part...
I would be so much better . . . alone.
...made me want to break out into a song: ♪ ♫ Till now, I always got by on my own.. I never really cared until I met you. And now it chills me to the bone, how do I get you alooooone? ♫ ♪
I know it’s in a different context and all. But mehh..
And yesss, I love me some Hedley! As well as you IANS, I love me some you. And I think this chapter is now my fav. Haha, just sayin’..
Mimi24.3.11 on "Rapids"
wow. that was...
that was AMAAAAAAZING! Seriously!!!
And now I have my own HV playlist in my iTunes. haha And you're to blame! Still having a little hang over from this chapter. I love your music to bits! <3 ~_~
wow. that was...
that was AMAAAAAAZING! Seriously!!!
And now I have my own HV playlist in my iTunes. haha And you're to blame! Still having a little hang over from this chapter. I love your music to bits! <3 ~_~
chickmela26.3.11 on "Rapids"
Okay..... So now you've managed to make me stop from sinning and just turning into a horrible glutton when it comes to ice cream. I agree with everyone here. This is such an inspiring one shot. I really loved JJ here. He's like a little guardian angel and let Naomi to Emily. Who I love the most though is the wise old man. What came out of his mouth were very stirring words of wisdom. Now I can't help but think maybe you're this 50 year old lady who's just messing with our adolescent minds. Haha But seriously, IAmNotSam, HOW OLD ARE YOU? Please just spare me this little detail. :)
Baaramewe13.3.11 on "Irresistible"
Fitched at first sight. Weren’t we all? I cannot wait until Naomi admits to herself that she cannot outrun her feelings for Emily, that she had lost the battle the first time she stared into those brown eyes. Looking forward to N’s pov during the Emily/Misaki chapters.
Ians, thank you for making an already outstanding story even more epic.
Ians, thank you for making an already outstanding story even more epic.
Mau13.3.11 on "Irresistible"
That was quick IANS! Bravo! =P
And EYES, Emily’s eyes.. I totally agree with Naomi there. They are Emily’s most attractive feature. Looking back to S3, where Emily would just stare at her with her big, brown, doe eyes is love.
Plus her attraction to Emily made sense in that she wanted to be her ‘knight in shining armour’. It’s so refreshing to finally see what went on Naomi’s head and her uncontrollable feelings for Emily. But for some reason, when ‘physical restrain’ was mentioned.. my mind immediately thought about handcuffs? Haha =/
And daaaamn, I cannot believe Naomi actually walked in Effy and Emily’s “moment” in the washroom. Talk about awkwarrrrd!
Haha, and chicks with cleft chins?! Dude, Iunno about that O_O
And EYES, Emily’s eyes.. I totally agree with Naomi there. They are Emily’s most attractive feature. Looking back to S3, where Emily would just stare at her with her big, brown, doe eyes is love.
Plus her attraction to Emily made sense in that she wanted to be her ‘knight in shining armour’. It’s so refreshing to finally see what went on Naomi’s head and her uncontrollable feelings for Emily. But for some reason, when ‘physical restrain’ was mentioned.. my mind immediately thought about handcuffs? Haha =/
And daaaamn, I cannot believe Naomi actually walked in Effy and Emily’s “moment” in the washroom. Talk about awkwarrrrd!
Haha, and chicks with cleft chins?! Dude, Iunno about that O_O
So I saw your update in my mail and I checked it right away!
Best bit here:
And it was just so easy. Easy to be with Naomi. Easy to be happy with Naomi. Easy to be happy in love with Naomi.
....PHENOMENAL LITTLE BITS! I do love you! Really. So how many more should we expect? They just keep on coming! Please keep them coming! I'm now curious about this first time.
Let me guess...First time to share a comb together? First time to watch a porn movie together? My brain is malfunctioning right now. Sorry. As to your answer: Okay. All of the above? Seriously? Well, that would make sense. Well done with this by the way! :)
Best bit here:
And it was just so easy. Easy to be with Naomi. Easy to be happy with Naomi. Easy to be happy in love with Naomi.
....PHENOMENAL LITTLE BITS! I do love you! Really. So how many more should we expect? They just keep on coming! Please keep them coming! I'm now curious about this first time.
Let me guess...First time to share a comb together? First time to watch a porn movie together? My brain is malfunctioning right now. Sorry. As to your answer: Okay. All of the above? Seriously? Well, that would make sense. Well done with this by the way! :)
Londoniscalling22.2.11 on "Sister Act"
this just makes me all kinds of happy! thank you times one million IANS!
to be continued . . .
There are just so many wonderful reviews and the space is not enough. Thanks to all of you!